
Digitizing the Big Apple

From ‘The Big Apple’ and ‘Empire City’ to ‘Gotham’ and ‘The City That Never Sleeps,’ New York City has worn many hats over the years. With the release of NYC Digital‘s roadmap, NYC hopes to add ‘The Digital City’ to its nickname collection. Last week, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Chief Digital Officer Rachel Sterne announcedRead… Read more »

What Private Lives Tell Us About Public Leaders

If we want to understand the values of a society, it can often be found in the media coverage and public reaction to revelations about the private lives of public leaders. While the wall-to-wall coverage of former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s fathering a child with a household employee has been inextricably linked to the now-formerRead… Read more »

What Skills Do Future Feds Need? Win Free Tickets For Your Answer!

Government is certainly changing but getting the job done can’t change. Human Capital and getting good people into government is becoming increasingly more important and hard at the same time. Never fear though GovLoop wants to help you out with FREE tickets to an awesome conference: FPMI’s Annual Human Capital Management Conference & Expo. JustRead… Read more »

The War – Knowledge Mgmt & Social Media – FREE Training – 6/9

***Register for June’s Free GL Training on Knowledge Mgmt & Social Media – 6/9 at 2pm est** It’s funny. A couple years ago I was in charge of a social media platform inside my agency for internal use amongst employees. At the time, I thought of it as a social media project or specifically anRead… Read more »

The Project Management Professional (PMP) exam and Military Basic Rifle Marksmanship!

At first read, the title of this blog probably looks like a mistake, as two totally unrelated subjects appear to be illogically associated together! But bear with me, hopefully I can sell you on their similarities, at least as far as the PMP exam and project management experience go. I passed the PMP certification examRead… Read more »

SES job vacancy notice at the CDC!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is seeking exceptional candidates for the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO). This position is located in the Office of the Director in Atlanta, Georgia. The selectee will report directly to the CDC Director, serving as a key management official responsible for the development of program systemsRead… Read more »

Illinois courts startups with innovation network

Illinois is working to build up its startup economy with the launch of the Illinois Innovation Network (IIN). The network is supported by by the Governor’s Illinois Innovation Council, a public-private partnership launched in February to accelerate innovative economic development and job creation efforts in the state’s startup sector. The network will also be connectedRead… Read more »

Getting Started with Project Leadership

In May of 2011 The Project Management Podcast launched its Project Leadership Series at www.pm-podcast.com. The series started with interviews with Thomas Juli, author of Leadership Principles for Project Success, and Rick Valerga, author of The Cure for the Common Project: Five Core Themes that Transform Project Managers into Leaders. More interviews and discussions onRead… Read more »