
There is No Box: Uncertain Times Demand RAPID Innovation!

“Every act of creation is first an act of destruction“.– Pablo Picasso Conventional wisdom has been summarily discarded during these unprecedented times. Government leaders accustomed to relying on traditional tools to remedy temporary financial blips – increasing taxes while cutting expenses – have experienced a sobering realization that the current climate in most places aroundRead… Read more »

FICM Lightning Rounds – May 12 @ 2pm EST

Don’t Miss the next FICM Meeting, Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 2:00pm EDT The call will be held via GoToWebinar. Sign up to attend today at: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/687909195 The FICM Webinar supports discussion and information dissemination throughout the Federal Intranet Content Managers (FICM) group. Official information about the FICM group can be found at: http://www.usa.gov/webcontent/community/groups/intranet.shtml. ThisRead… Read more »

Highlights of Senate GPRA Oversight Hearing

Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) chaired a joint hearing on the implementation of the GPRA Modernization Act and he seemed to enjoy himself. In fact, after the hearing he lingered a long time talking with hearing participants, almost being the last to leave the room! What sparked his imagination? Here’s a link to the hearing record.Read… Read more »

Determining the Type of Website Best Suited for Non-profits

Most industries (i.e. legal, medical, finance, etc.) prefer their content management solution be customized to meet their specific needs. Non-profit organizations prefer that their solution be customized as well but they face a difficult hurdle: funding. A non-profit organization’s yearly budget lies solely on the generosity of donors and grants that are awarded by statesRead… Read more »

Reflection on HCMF Gov Strategy Day Event

he 2011 Federal Government Human Capital Strategy Day last week provided an interesting mix of perspectives on hiring reform, social networks, and talent management. John Berry, head of United States Office of Personnel Management, was in attendance, along with several Chief Human Capital Officers. The overall themes included: How do Federal Agencies cope with hiringRead… Read more »

PM Podcast Episode 180 Premium: Leadership & Project Initiation (Project Leadership Series)

This week’s episode of the Project Management Podcast: We are continuing The PM Podcast Leadership Series. This is the 2nd interview that I did with Thomas Juli (www.thomasjuli.com and http://thomasjuli.wordpress.com), author of “Leadership Principles for Project Success”. Last week, we learned about his 5 principles and how they work. But wouldn’t it be more interestingRead… Read more »