
WordPress just got even more funky

I was so pleased to read that WordPress have announced that you can now embed google docs and calendars into WordPress This is such a good feature that I actually believe we will start to see lots more use of “on the edge” WordPress sites as well as more mainstream sites within the public sectorRead… Read more »

Geospatial & place-based public management – Forum on May 20th

The National Academy of Public Administration will be hosting a Forum on Place-Based Public Management on Friday, May 20, 2011. The centerpiece of this forum will be a Panel of federal and private-sector leaders that will (1) discuss lessons learned in developing and implementing place-based approaches to public management; and (2) identify the key challengesRead… Read more »

VA Officials Detail Acquisition Efforts

Authored by Sean Tucker “The metrics say we’re the best large-scale health care organization in the world.” “But if you look at Facebook posts, it turns out we’re not universally popular for the services we provide.” That, Department of Veterans Affairs Chief Information Officer Roger Baker told a crowd of IT industry leaders, is theRead… Read more »

Converting the Dissenter; Part Three

As a follow-up to last week’s blog https://www.govloop.com/profiles/blog/list?user=1l6nclusxlq6q, this week’s entry concludes our discussion of the tactics that the Change Management Champion (CMC) can utilize to mitigate change resistors, also known as dissenters. As mentioned in my previous two blogs on this topic, frequently a combination of mitigation approaches may need to be utilized togetherRead… Read more »

A Sampling of Principles for Public Engagement

Here are some sets of principles we collected to help inform the creation of the Core Principles for Public Engagement (2009)… Effective Deliberative Public Engagement: Nine Principles (from the National Consumer Council & Involve.org) Nine Principles: The process makes a difference. The process is transparent. The process has integrity. The process is tailored to theRead… Read more »

Project Management in Government

Skilled project managers with Project Management Professional(PMP®) certification are in demand in virtually every industry, and are increasingly sought-after by government agencies. While many aspects of government project management are similar to those found in the private sector, there are some specific challenges that project managers in government positions will face. PMP® Challenges and OpportunitiesRead… Read more »

Who to know – Mother’s Day edition

From BeltWiki Blog on WhoRunsGov by The Washington Post If you have not sent your a Mother’s Day gift, there is still time (barely). But you deserve to get hit with those Saturday shipping fees. Didn’t mom always warn you about procrastinating? Because WhoRunsGov profiles are reserved for the most powerful policy makers in theRead… Read more »

ABOUT 34,000 PEOPLE IN THE U. S. DIE BY SUICIDE EACH YEAR. That’s why Suicide Prevention Deserves To Be Everybody’s Business: The Weekly Spark newsletter contains announcements and information about suicide, suicide prevention and mental health issues [and]offers brief summaries of national, state and international news; analyses of relevant research findings; descriptions of funding opportunities,Read… Read more »

AFGE Celebrates National Nurses Week with Renewed Fight to Strengthen Voice at Work for Federal Health Care Professionals

The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is proud to honor the work of nurses throughout the federal government as it celebrates National Nurses Week, May 6–May 12. AFGE represents thousands of nurses nationwide at VA medical centers, military hospitals, federal correctional facilities and other federal health care sites. These dedicated health care professionals areRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: May 06, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week, a lot of Social Media in Government stories came to my attention. The first two are older, but they set the stage: Take the Fear out of Using Social Media for Government, in which Sue Reynolds talks about the value of engaging people through social media, and reminds government leaders toRead… Read more »