
Are We Ready to Provide Great Customer Service in the Federal Government?

Yesterday, April 27, 2011, President Obama issued an Executive Order: Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service. In a nutshell, it directs agencies to develop and monitor customer service plans and measures and to solicit customer feedback to improve service. It calls for agencies to use technology to streamline customer service and to emulate practicesRead… Read more »

Feeling busy vs getting more done

 What’s more important – working to your full capacity or getting more done? Or put another way: is your boss more concerned with you looking busy or producing results. The TimeBack Management blog does a great job tackling this question with an analogy of a freeway. Oh, and remember – you can’t give 110%Read… Read more »

In Boston, City Hall Pursues Innovation In-House

Last year, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino decided to put two of his most technologically savvy staffers full-time on the task of trying new ways to solve old city problems. A year later, they have had a hand in a fleet of small but successful projects both developed in-house and with external partners. Here’s a lookRead… Read more »

When Public Housing Authority Management Means Document Management

If you’re a regular reader, you’ve probably wondered “Why does Terri get so jazzed about document management and government?” For the most part, it comes down to three words: public housing authorities (PHAs). PHAs? If yes, you know why I think document management’s a game changer in government. The legislation creating public housing and authoritiesRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Playing to Employees’ Strengths: Talking Leadership with Comptroller General Gene Dodaro

U.S. Comptroller General Gene L. Dodaro is head of the Government Accountability Office (GAO), an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress. Often called the “congressional watchdog,” GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars. Comptroller General Dodaro helps oversee the development and issuance of hundreds of reports and testimonies each year to variousRead… Read more »

Aetna Helps MLK’s Dream Blossom

I don’t know about all of you, but i’m pretty sad that The Cherry Blossom Festival is over here in DC. Every spring the city comes alive at the site of the first blossoms of the District’s historic cherry trees. The National Mall is filled with even more beauty than usual during this 3 weekRead… Read more »

Walking Through The Front Door: SQL Injections

Image via Wikipedia Walking Through the Front Door Many corporations today have become dependant upon their websites. Where once websites were simply information portals or advertisments for their owners, they have transformed into something far greater. Today companies all over the world rely on their websites to log in remotely, provide news and information toRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Work With Someone Who Doesn’t Understand Social Norms?

Most people know how to behave in the workplace, but there are always outliers who are aggressive, quirky or who have never figured out the acceptable social norms. Recently, a colleague shared a rather bizarre story of a federal employee who would burp in the face of a colleague or manager when given a taskRead… Read more »

Converting the Dissenter; Part Two

As a follow-up to last week’s blog, https://www.govloop.com/profiles/blogs/the-greatest-danger-in-times?xg_source=activity, this week’s entry continues our discussion on the tactics that the Change Management Champion (CMC) can utilize to mitigate the change resistors also known as dissenters. As mentioned in my previous blog, frequently a combination of mitigation approaches may need to be utilized together or sequentially, asRead… Read more »