
The Key Role of Front Line Managers

Bob Stone, the head of Vice President Gore’s reinventing government initiative, focused his attention on what was going on at the front line. He said helping them understand and get their jobs done was the most important activity of a leader. That insight led to the creation of both Hammer Awards and Reinvention Labs asRead… Read more »

Watching the future

My strong recommendation for this evening’s entertainment is to watch a documentary about nuclear waste in Finland – it’s on More 4 at 10pm and will be available on the Channel 4 website for a while after that (and north American readers can find dates of cinema showings here). It’s much more interesting than itRead… Read more »

Research and Best Preactices eNewsletter

Research Digital American Family (04/12/2011) – A Nielson study looks at how multicultural families across America are adapting to today’s digital landscape. Within the Hispanic community, mobile serves as a key source of connectivity. African-Americans tend to prefer TV and mobile services, while Asian-Americans exhibit a huge appetite for online media, according to the study.Read… Read more »

Defying Cultural Patterns and Predictions Engaging Stress and Crisis: The Stress Doc’s 3 “R”s for Discovering Your Responsible, Resilient & Risk-Taking Essence

When you get a thank you card at the end of a program signed by participants during the event either it’s a less than captivating workshop or the group was really motivated to give you feedback. Fortunately, it was the latter and the words inscribed were very positive and poignant – people felt “enlightened,” “inspired”Read… Read more »

Micro-participation project

We’re starting an open innovation-y project at Kind of Digital about micro-participation. Do get involved! Possibly related posts: Micro-participation at ShropCamp Digital engagement workshop, Peterborough, 25th May Some Kind of Digital posts More on micro-participation The need for micro-participation Original post

Take Your Employees with You Everywhere!

This is every HR Manager’s dream come true: The iPeople app let’s you take your employees with you wherever you go! Check out the details below: Originally posted by Christiane Stagge of SAP Spectrum. HR Management, Meet iPad iPeople provides human resource managers on the go with a full overview of information on employees, organizationalRead… Read more »

FedSMC 2011 Makes Some Headlines!

Never too early to start thinking about FedSMC 2012 – but before we go there, I want to share some highlights of 2011! FedSMC 2011 Headlines: FedSMC 2011 Made The Top Five Most Important Government Events of 2011. Thanks to GovEvents.com and all the voters! Feds Respond to Averted Shutdown“Federal employees attending the Federal SeniorRead… Read more »


Frank Eliason, senior vice president for social media at Citigroup, is not only a believer in social media, but also has put social media to work. Eliason recently joined Citi after making a reputation as a change agent at Comcast. FedInsider spoke with him following his presentation at last week’s Federal Senior Management Conference (FedSMC)Read… Read more »

2011 PMF Survey: How did you do?

If you are a 2011 PMF finalist, please take the time to fill out this survey. I am collecting this information to get an idea of how effective the job fair was, and some information about the placement rates and geographic distribution of finalist appointments. If your information changes, go ahead and submit a newRead… Read more »