
The Greatest Danger in Times of Turbulence Isn’t the Turbulence-It is to Act with Yesterday’s Logic

This quote by management guru Peter Drucker is very relevant today. Citizens’ expectations of government have been ratcheted up significantly and utilizing the previously deployed approaches to address constituent’s concerns may no longer be successful. By now you are familiar with the different types of resistors and the strategies that they typically deploy. In theRead… Read more »

Blog : Kindness – by Mark Leheney

I’ve adopted a new practice I want to share with you, because it’s making a real difference in my own life, and maybe it could in yours, too. You know the bumper sticker, “Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty?” The one some people sneer at? Well, the people who made and display thatRead… Read more »

Standardizing the Cloud

On Monday, April 4, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a major standards organization, announced two working groups to develop standards for cloud computing. The first, the P2031 Work Group, focuses on “application interfaces, portability interfaces, management interfaces, interoperability interfaces, file formats, and operation conventions” while the second, P2302, works on “topology, functions, andRead… Read more »


LexPop.org is a new wiki-based website that invites participants to collaboratively craft public policy. LexPop’s About page points out that, despite sea-changes in how we communicate with one another, how we seek information and how we are entertained (all due to constant innovation), we make public policy in essentially the same way we always have.Read… Read more »

The Reason Why the Budget Battle Will Go On—And How We Change It

Watching the budget battle play out these past few weeks (perhaps months and years) between Republicans and Democrats can only leave one feeling deep frustration and a sense that things will never truly change. Those emotions are not only accurate they are the clue to the true reason why deficits are soaring and budgets areRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: April 14, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda CIO Council Launches Best Practices Web site. NextGov reports that a new site has lanuched to help federal IT managers. Social Media at State, Half the World Away. An interesting article on the social media activities of the US State Department in New Zealand. Deputy Mayor Stephen Goldsmith: Now on Video! Last week,Read… Read more »

Putting German Municipalities on the Twitter Map

More and more German municipalities are using microblogging service Twitter.com – mainly as a complementary news outlet. A map provided by ifib (Institute for Information Management Bremen) displays more than 60 tweeting municipalities – Städte, Gemeinden & Kreise – in April 2011, highlighting total number of tweets and follower count. It looks like cities inRead… Read more »

World Creativity and Innovation Week April 15 – 21

Today starts 2011’s World Creativity and Innovation Week. The week always starts on Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday, which is April 15. From the WCIW website, “How it All Started” In May 2001 Canadian creativity specialist Marci Segal noticed a banner headline in one of Canada’s national newspapers, “Canada in Creativity Crisis” it read. “No itRead… Read more »