
2011 PMF Finalists Update

[Also posted here] [Update 1: There were 850 finalists this year. Last year there were 869.] [Update 2: The list is now posted at http://www.pmf.gov/become-a-pmf/current-finalists.aspx, so if you haven’t gotten your email yet, go check the list out.] The finalists for the 2011 Presidential Management Fellows program have begun to receive their notifications. At present,Read… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Moving Up the Federal Ranks: Talking with Michael Watkins

Dr. Michael Watkins is a leading expert on accelerating transitions. He is the co-author of The First 90 Days in Government, which has become a classic resource for public-sector leaders taking new roles. Watkins is also the chairman of Genesis Advisers, an executive on-boarding and leadership strategy consultancy, and has previously taught at Harvard University.Read… Read more »

Community 2.0 Web Hero ends isolation for elderly

I have been working closely with Kingston City Council since last year, assisting them in implementing Web 2.0, social media and mobile technologies to improve collaboration internally, to cut costs and to engage and communicate more clearly with residents and local businesses. It is through this program that I met Belinda McDaid. Belinda McDaid managesRead… Read more »

Managing the Social-Media Paradigm Shift: Ride the current, or be swept aside

Everyone who’s ears have been assaulted with talk of “paradigm shifts” can thank Thomas Kuhn, author of “The She Structure of Scientific Revolutions.” I’ve often wondered why that phrase beguiles so many consultants and technology cheerleaders, and it’s a shame that it has, because in the glare of that overexposure, we may have blinded ourselvesRead… Read more »

Where Is Waldo?

George Washington University professor Kathy Newcomer likened the Obama Administration’s performance agenda to a game of “Where is Waldo?” at a Brookings Institution forum last week on improving government performance. She says “you have to look carefully” to find it. She said there was no orchestrated campaign with a band leading the way. Newcomer’s insightRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Want to Engage Your Federal Employees? Just Google It

With the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM)Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey coming to government workers again next month, now is a great time for federal managers to consider how you’re engaging and motivating your staff. While you may not have time to affect the results in this year’s survey, that shouldn’t stop you from planning forRead… Read more »