
Blogging Series 10 Ways Open Innovation Can Transform Your Agency (Week 4)

Blogging Series 10 Ways Open Innovation Can Transform Your Agency (Week 4) Last time I discussed how open innovation can increase transparency in agency governance, now it’s time for Week 4! Open innovation can transform your agency by boosting employee morale and engagement. Background: Traditionally, front-line government employees have very little influence over changing anRead… Read more »

SXSW for the #Gov20 Crowd: Interesting Lessons and Takeaways So Far

In the spirit of sharing what I learned at this year’s South by Southwest Interactive (#SXSWi) Festival in Austin I’ve posted my notes from a few of the interesting sessions that I was able to attend. I live posted these over the course of the event to allow folks to share in the learning thatRead… Read more »

The Many Roles of an Internal Community Manager

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” When someone in the communications industry refers to a “community manager,” they are usually referring to someone that can manage the online relationships for a particular brand, using tools like Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. However, over the last few years, a new Community ManagerRead… Read more »

Why Do We Resist? Categorizing the Different Types of Resistance

Ah yes, an age old question, why do people resist change? A simple question that does not have a simple response. Is it because we are creatures of habit or is it that we crave consistency over correctness? Perhaps it is because we as individuals, as well as organizations desire stability and constancy and thatRead… Read more »

2011 PMF Finalists: Open Thread

[Also posted here] I’ve been waiting to post this until the PMF Program Office offered up any news. The 2011 PMF finalist list is due out sometime in late March, according to the latest news on the PMF web site. While this is still vague, it’s nevertheless right around the corner. Historically, the PMF ProgramRead… Read more »


Looking for the latest on Leadership books? Perhaps what has been written in the past on the subject that is stilll timeless. We do a free monthly newsletter to our clients who have taken our Leadership, Communications, Teamwork, or Personality workshsops with tips on Leadership and book reviews. Sign up here today to be addedRead… Read more »

Invite Ms. Etiquette

Invite Ms. Etiquette to Your Organization Maximize Organizational NOW!!!!! Administrative Professionals Week In these uncertain times workplace civility can be nonexistent. To help you lay the ground work for a more civil work environment and reinforce principles that contribute to effective communication and relationships in the workplace, you’ll want to expose your staff to Ms.Read… Read more »