
Online to real time: online conferences to support sector learning

Lots of councils are putting blanket bans on travel for their staff. This means no conferences, no travel to training, no learning opportunities. No nada. I can, in some ways, understand this. But in other ways, this means that at just the time when people need to be learning how to do things differently, really,Read… Read more »

Calling all Presidential Management Fellows!

Do you remember what it was like starting your two year journey as a Presidential Management Fellow? Remember the experience was a whirlwind of confusion and questions as you interviewed for a half dozen positions – some in agencies you had never heard of! I’m sure it did not get any easier when you hadRead… Read more »

Geospatial Technology Opens the Door to Greater Efficiencies at DoD

This blog entry was originally posted on [acronym] Online, blog dedicated to those in the public sector working within 2D and 3D digital design. Visit [acronym] Online on GovLoop, too. When you think about geospatial technology, more often than not what comes to mind are maps, earth images, and so on. But, in fact, moreRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Managing Stress Amid the Budget-Cutting Uncertainty

While the White House and Congress work on a compromise to fund the government for the rest of the year, many federal programs will continue to be kicked around like political footballs, leaving your employees uncertain about the road ahead. The result? Stress. The anxiety among federal workers will likely increase over the next coupleRead… Read more »

Learning and Dialogue Building

Former Canadian military college, Royal Roads University, is constructing a Learning and Innovation Centre building. One floor will be a “Centre for Dialogue”, intended to carry out a similar function to that of the Wosk Centre at Simon Fraser University.However unlike the Wosk centre, which is essentially a conterence centre with very specalsied discussion roomsRead… Read more »

For HR Executives…what’s your Collaboration Strategy?

I have been talking to a lot of HR people over the last couple of months and, frankly, it has been surprising to see that most don’t realize the opportunities and risks associated with social media and crowdsourcing as it relates to their business vertical. Why is it crucial that Human Resource managers be deeplyRead… Read more »

Preparing to Prevent Disasters Online

Greetings from the Australian National University in Canberra where Apurva Sanghi, from the World Bank, is talking about their new book “Natural Hazards, UnNatural Disasters: The Economics of Effective Prevention”.Apurva Sanghi outlined how prevention and preparation could lower the overall cost and effects of disasters. However, he then played a video of the “SMART: StormwaterRead… Read more »

Targeting Government Computer Energy Use

Today I attended a presentation by John Scumniotales, the newly promoted President of Verdiem at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra. His company was founded to provide PC power management software. They are now expaning to provide management of network equipment and other ICT devices..The Australian Government ICT Sustainability Plan 2010 – 2015 (DEWHA, 2010)Read… Read more »