
PMF and Pathways Programs: Reinventing the Old and Implementing the New- LIVE NOTES!

Sitting here at NAPA headquarters in the same room as OPM Director John Berry and many other influential people in government as well as education. Stay tuned for notes in an ongoing basis: Panel Discussion 1- Holding the Pathways Programs Accountable for the Future Leadership and Human Capital Needs of the Federal Gov “Pathways toRead… Read more »

Using the Small Project Management Guide – Part V: Controlling the Project and Dealing with Stakeholders

This is the last commentary on the Small Project Management Guide. Thank you all for reading the guide and providing your comments. I firmly believe that good project management will be one of the keys to successfully bringing about Gov 2.0 and Open Gov and I hope I have convinced you to learn more aboutRead… Read more »

Louisiana creates coordinated care system for state’s youth

Louisiana is bringing together four child-serving agencies to form a Coordinated System of Care (CSoC) for youth with behavioral health needs, state officials announced last week. By combining efforts from various state agencies, the state hopes to save money, reduce duplicated efforts across agencies and increase the overall outcomes of the children they serve. InRead… Read more »

Innovative Companies Invest More in ICT

A research paper “Business Innovation and the Use of Information and Communications Technology” by Jessica Todhunter and Ruel Abello at the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that innovative companies invest more ICT. But what the analysis can’t show is if using ICT makes the company more innovative, or just that companies invest more to supportRead… Read more »

Success Rule #13 – Dress For Success

I’m not suggesting you run out and purchase a $1,000 suit; however don’t forget Rule #7 – you’re being judged. With that said there are considerations, the industry you are in, the culture of the organization, and some careers were there are uniform requirements. Attention to detail is as important here as it is withRead… Read more »

Social Business and E-Democracy in America: Two Proposals

This 2011 book by Dr. John Boik proposes two systems that would assist and encourage mass citizen cooperation, allowing citizens to claim and exercise their full power. The first system is a financial pool from which the socially-responsible businesses of the future can be funded. The second system is a people’s lobby, which would allowRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 04, 2011 (GAO Report on Duplication and Overlap Edition)

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Legislative Branch: Fake Online IDs Imperil Social Media’s Effectiveness. Polico reports that some legislators want to give up on Twitter–in part because they can’t tell if the people who are following them are their own constituents. (Could they use something like Tru.ly?) Contapuntally, The Air Force Wants to Manage Fake Personae. There isRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five – Common Sense, Story Time and Rules for Success

It’s that time again… Friday’s Fab Five! Every Friday, we’re summarizing the best of the week and highlighting five members or moments that were especially awesome. The Most Commented Blog of the Week goes to Good Project Management is Common Sense by Josh Nankivel. Josh always does an awesome job giving GovLoop the low downRead… Read more »