
Toward Wiser Public Judgment

I was pleasantly surprised to find a copy of Daniel Yankelovich and Will Friedman’s new book in my mailbox yesterday. Toward Wiser Public Judgment (2011) revisits and expands upon Yankelovich’s seminal 1991 book, Coming to Public Judgment, which argued that people advance through several distinct stages to form politically meaningful judgments about public issues. InRead… Read more »

Federal Cloud Computing Strategy Officially Launched

Federal CIO Vivek Kundra officially launched the Federal Cloud Computing Strategy today. While this is clearly not new news, the document does state the government’s position in a very succint manner. By using the cloud computing model for IT services, we will be able to reduce our data center infrastructure expenditure by approximately 30% (whichRead… Read more »

Martin on Abandoning Law Reports for Official Digital Case Law

Dean Peter W. Martin of Cornell University Law School has posted Abandoning Law Reports for Official Digital Case Law (2011), on SSRN. Here is the abstract: In 2009, Arkansas ended publication of the Arkansas Reports. Since 1837 this series of volumes, joined in the late twentieth century by the Arkansas Appellate Reports covering the state’sRead… Read more »

NELIC 2011: New and Emerging Legal Infrastructures Conference

NELIC 2011: The New and Emerging Legal Infrastructures Conference, will be held 15 April 2011, at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, Boalt Hall, in Berkeley, California, USA. According to the announcement, invited speakers will address the following topics: “Quantitative Legal Prediction“: such as applying “machine learning” and “natural language processing” to developRead… Read more »

It’s Time For America To Change It’s Business Plan And Start A Revolution

This article is written in the wake of a potential Government Shut down on March 4th, and to be read by those who receive a paycheck every two weeks from your job. For those who own their own business, and do not receive a steady paycheck, and are committed to improving our economy, want toRead… Read more »