
Martin on Abandoning Law Reports for Official Digital Case Law

Dean Peter W. Martin of Cornell University Law School has posted Abandoning Law Reports for Official Digital Case Law (2011), on SSRN. Here is the abstract: In 2009, Arkansas ended publication of the Arkansas Reports. Since 1837 this series of volumes, joined in the late twentieth century by the Arkansas Appellate Reports covering the state’sRead… Read more »

NELIC 2011: New and Emerging Legal Infrastructures Conference

NELIC 2011: The New and Emerging Legal Infrastructures Conference, will be held 15 April 2011, at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, Boalt Hall, in Berkeley, California, USA. According to the announcement, invited speakers will address the following topics: “Quantitative Legal Prediction“: such as applying “machine learning” and “natural language processing” to developRead… Read more »

It’s Time For America To Change It’s Business Plan And Start A Revolution

This article is written in the wake of a potential Government Shut down on March 4th, and to be read by those who receive a paycheck every two weeks from your job. For those who own their own business, and do not receive a steady paycheck, and are committed to improving our economy, want toRead… Read more »

The Fed Coach: What fed workers can learn from Lincoln: An interview with Lincoln scholar Harold Holzer

Harold Holzer, an expert on Abraham Lincoln and the political culture of the Civil War era, is the senior vice president for external affairs at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He has authored, co-authored and edited 36 books and published hundreds of articles. Holzer also serves as chairman of the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Foundation. WhatRead… Read more »

The $1 Trillion Federal IT Challenge

An interesting article by John Foley in Information Week on Feb 15 … what do you think? Is this doable? The CEOs of IBM, Dell, and other tech companies say the U.S. government can reap huge savings from IT-driven initiatives, but their ambitious plan has virtually no chance of success. By John Foley, InformationWeek FebruaryRead… Read more »