
Obama’s FY 2012 Management Initiatives

Attention to the FY 2012 budget’s performance and management initiatives have been overwhelmed by the enormity of the proposed budget cuts by both the President and the Congress, and the resolution of the pending FY 2011 continuing resolution. For the most part, the management section of the budget, reflects a continued commitment to initiatives initiallyRead… Read more »

Research Positions Open at Kettering Foundation

We’re glad to pass on this request from the Kettering Foundation: “The Charles F. Kettering Foundation offers one-year research positions at our Dayton, Ohio offices to doctoral candidates and recent Ph.D.’s. Research Associates receive excellent full-time compensation and benefits including medical insurance. As an operating research foundation, Kettering explores practical ways that democracy can beRead… Read more »

What Government Public Affairs Can Learn From Donald Trump

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Donald Trump is a master of public branding and marketing for himself and his eponymous business interests. While government doesn’t usually consider itself in the business of “marketing” itself, in reality, the Open Government movement is to some degree about publicizing data and information in order to get it toRead… Read more »


Vienna, VA (Feb. 14, 2011) — C² Technologies, Inc. (http://www.c2ti.com/) today announced that it has been awarded a project with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to evaluate NSF’s Web 2.0 presence and use of social media for employee recruitment and to make recommendations for improvement. C²’s evaluation of the NSF Web 2.0 and social mediaRead… Read more »

February 11 Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Innovation in Government (02/03/2011) – Report provides a framework government leaders can use to create a climate of innovation in their organization. Tips for fostering innovation include: establishing a lab for testing new ideas; organizing a task force to identify barriers to innovation; rotating employees in the agency to spread ideas; training employees onRead… Read more »

What are the risks of starting an internal community without thinking through effective community management? [Quora]

The question on Quora is expanded to ask: When launching an internal community platform, it’s often quite tempting to get lost in the technology implementation. Now it’s definitely quite important to provide an attractive first release of collabware, but what role does community management play in making the roll out effective? Or is community managementRead… Read more »

Ressler’s Rule #12:” He who controls the budget, controls the organization”

Ressler’s Rule #12:” He who controls the budget, controls the organization” It has been said that an army travels on its’ stomach but modern organizations travel on a highway of crisp dollar bills. How those dollars are apportioned and spent determines much of the effectiveness of the organization. Without regard to whether the organization isRead… Read more »

Using the Small Project Management Guide – Part II: The Scope Statement

Welcome to part two of the five- part series on how to best use the Small Project Management Guide. Here is Andy’s question to kick off the discussion: One of my favorite phrases in project management is “Scope Creep.” It sounds cool, but it’s not. It’s awful. Got examples? A simple definition of project scopeRead… Read more »