
Using the Small Project Management Guide – Part II: The Scope Statement

Welcome to part two of the five- part series on how to best use the Small Project Management Guide. Here is Andy’s question to kick off the discussion: One of my favorite phrases in project management is “Scope Creep.” It sounds cool, but it’s not. It’s awful. Got examples? A simple definition of project scopeRead… Read more »

The New Normal – Cloud Computing

This week the Capital Technology Management Hub put on a program about cloud computing – a very informative session about a new approach to computing that is no longer just a concept – it is up and running with higher level enhancements coming on line continuously at a steady pace. Interesting in its own right,Read… Read more »

Project of Week – NYC Simplicity Idea Market – Virtual Suggestion Box for Employees

I’m a big fan of the use of ideation in government to bring innovation both within agencies by employees and with citizens. Last year, the Obama administration hosted a series of dialogues on Open Government with each agency and cities from Austin to Santa Cruz have used dialogues to get ideas from citizens on howRead… Read more »

Linked augmentation

The following post is entirely Hadley Beeman’s (@hadleybeeman) fault. So much is, actually, when it comes to opendata and linked data – just Google her and you’ll find it why. For the US orientated among you, Hadley is essentially our national lead on opendata in the UK, she’s an American and she yay’s. In public.Read… Read more »

The Impact of Ignoring Change

I was recently working with a west-coast municipality supporting their Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) business case development process. The project was going quite well as all the ingredients for success were in place, including: Strong executive sponsorship, A committed project manager, and A sound change management (CM) strategy led by a seasoned CM veteran. DuringRead… Read more »

Diversity – learn more at Federal Senior Management Conference, 4/10-4/13

Laura Liswood – Monday, April 11, 2011 – Lunch KeynoteSecretary General of the Council and co-founder of the Council of Women World Leaders and author of The Loudest Duck: Moving Beyond Diversity. Global Leadership and Diversity: Crossing the Lines to AchievementLaura Liswood is co-founder of the Council of Women World Leaders, a global organization comprisedRead… Read more »


VIENNA, VA (Feb. 7, 2011) — C2 Technologies, Inc. announced today from its headquarters here that William C. Gerhart has joined the company as Corporate Senior Vice President for Business. Mr. Gerhart will be responsible for managing the company’s long-term growth strategy, and leading efforts to capture Federal, state, and local government business. He willRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: ‘Warm But Tough’ Nannerl Keohane on What Makes A Good Leader

With more than forty years of experience in higher education, leadership expert Nannerl O. Keohane is a leading scholar in political philosophy, feminism and education. Keohane served as president of Wellesley College and later as the first female president of Duke University. Today, she teaches at Princeton University as a Rockefeller distinguished visiting professor ofRead… Read more »