
Life after Salmon: first steps at government reorganization

On Sunday, Tom Shoop of GovExec’s Fedblog reported that President Obama’s Chief Performance Officer, Jeffrey Zients, will lead the government reorganization effort announced during last week’s State of the Union address. I don’t know about you, but I was ecstatic to see Civil Service reform get a high-profile nod during the address. (Full disclosure: IRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Spurring Innovation in Your Government Agency

As I listened to President Obama’s State of the Union address last week, my ears perked up on a number of fronts, not the least of which was his call for the government to spur American innovation through promising new federal investments in education, biomedical research, information technology and clean energy. Also causing me toRead… Read more »

Stop the Meter – A Campaign against internet metering @ http://openmedia.ca/

Dear Internet Supporters, Last week the CRTC made a decision that, while disappointing, was nevertheless a small a step in the right direction. It rolled back 15% of the usage fee profits big telecom wanted to extract from indie ISPs. This is a big deal, and it shows that we’re turning the tides on thisRead… Read more »

CMS Opens the Door to Innovation

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently launched the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. Armed with $10 billion to fund pilot projects, the Center aims to support innovative ideas in a few specific areas: Better Care for Individuals: How can innovation make healthcare more patient-focused and more efficient? Also included is howRead… Read more »

Group Decision Tip: Self-Evident

In principle, the best decisions are made when the answer is self-evident to everyone. When a group of reasonable people have a shared goal and they freely share information about the current situation and options for achieving that goal, they are very likely to come to a shared conclusion about what to do. When theRead… Read more »

LAUNCH: We know WHY. Do you?

Last week, we held our West Coast LAUNCHpad Salon with the LAUNCH team to talk lessons learned from two successful events, LAUNCH:Water and LAUNCH:Health; and start planning LAUNCH:Energy. The Cazneau Group, one of our implementation partners, hosted the Salon at their offices in Sausalito, California. Great conversation, great setting, great food. But best of all,Read… Read more »

GovDelivery clients share best practices, success stories at Minnesota user event

By Stephanie Elsner, Events Coordinator It was great to see so many familiar faces during GovDelivery’s Minnesota user event on Wednesday, Jan. 26. The 66 clients in attendance at the Bloomington Holiday Inn not only heard about the latest and greatest product developments, but were treated to a presentation by Stearns County, Minnesota. Officials fromRead… Read more »

Geeking Out With Gavin: Boomerang Your Gmails

Last week, I told you about my run-in with the neighbor. The college kid helped me with my laptop and gave me some great advice on optimizing Gmail. So I decided to turn it into a series on GovLoop. Here’s your latest installment! Q: What was that Boomerang thing you mentioned that allows me toRead… Read more »