
CEIL Blog Friday Wrap-Up

In case you missed any posts from earlier this week, we’ve collected them below in a handy list for you! Monday Video: Top Green Inventions The Science of Green: Bioprospecting Green Building: A Building Code with a Payback Green Jobs Lead the Way in California Don’t forget to check out the latest green government newsRead… Read more »

Wikis for Education

The second session at Recent Changes Camp 2011: Canberrais on “Wikis for Education”. This is a topic I did not think I knew much about, but realised I had run two courses were I got the students to edit the Wikipedia, one is 2007 was Writing for the Web for Local Government and the otherRead… Read more »

I Have Met The Enemy And It Is Not PowerPoint

Mark Valentine (Chevy Chase, MD) — After a long period of popularity, there has been a recent backlash against the use of PowerPoint for communication within the government, particularly at the Pentagon and within the U.S. national security and intelligence community. However, focusing on the software as the cause of communications breakdown is merely aRead… Read more »

Update: Governors plead for cooperation in addressing state, federal deficits

Earlier this week, CivSource reported that the National Governors Association sent a letter to Congressional leaders urging them to keep the states’ fiscal environments in mind when looking at ways to close the federal deficit. This letter came on the heels of growing chatter, coming from conservatives, about the increasing likelihood of states filing forRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Bitter Partisanship and Better Health Care (Duke’s Peter Ubel)

A few weeks ago, I interviewed Peter Ubel – a physician and behavioral scientist who “explores the quirks in human nature that influence our lives — the mixture of rational and irrational forces that affect our health, our happiness and the way our society functions.” He is also “a Professor of Marketing and Public PolicyRead… Read more »

Green Jobs Lead the Way in California

Many economists predicted that growth in ‘green jobs’ would outpace other types of employment, and help lead the US economy toward recovery. Now, it seems, there is some evidence that this prediction is proving correct. The 2011 Many Shades of Green report, published by Next 10, a nonprofit organization “focused on innovation and the intersectionRead… Read more »

ANU Education Innovation Series

A series of free Education Innovation Workshops is being run during February 2011, by the Educational Development Group, College of Engineering & Computer Science at the Australian National University. These are hands-on sessions intended for those developing courses with ANU’s “Wattle” (Moodle based) Learning Management System. Priority will be given to ANU Engineering and ITRead… Read more »