
The “New Media Director” Position is Just a Means to an End

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” In 2010, the position of “New Media Director” within the government has become almost commonplace. From governors to senators to Departments and Agencies, now you can attend a GovUp and leave with more than a dozen business cards, all containing the title of NewRead… Read more »

2011 PMF Semifinalists

Word is that some of the 2011 Presidential Management Fellows nominees have begun receiving notifications of results indicating they made it to the semifinalist round. At the time of this posting, the list has not been provided, but given the volume of notices (both positive and negative), the notifications could take a while. Stay tuned.Read… Read more »

Everyone Has the Capacity to Lead

One of the “perks” of flying tens of thousands of miles each year is the opportunity to peruse the in-flight magazine during the electronic hiatus during take-off and landing—an interesting outgrowth of carrying an E-reader and subsequent dearth of having any “paper” products to peruse. During my latest flight, I was drawn to an articleRead… Read more »

The Five Days of Arete

I started this tradition in my Junior year of college thanks to an inspiring philosophy professor who applied Ancient Greek philosophy to his profitable management consulting practice. His guiding concept was arête which has deep meaning but essentially means the pursuit of excellence in whatever you do. It really resonated with me because I wasRead… Read more »

Activity or Results – Which Do We Reward?

Activity is: movement; working on tasks; kinetic energy; being (or looking) busy; doing ‘stuff’… “Getting Results” brings to mind: meeting goals; creating value; making sales; completing projects… Are they the same thing? NO – Results require activity – BUT – Activity does not necessarily produce Results. To that point – I can recall seeing anRead… Read more »

Five Get-Ahead Tips for Feds by Lily Whiteman

Aside from the obvious — to work like the Dickens — here are ten potentially pivotal get-ahead tips. 1. Follow the money, controversy and power: Unfair though it is, employees who work in front offices with SESers and political appointees tend to ascend the career ladder faster than comparably productive employees who toil in out-of-sight,Read… Read more »

Digital Divide is a poor choice of words

I have been thinking a lot about issues and cultural influencers contributing to the digital divide issues in America. I have mentioned certain aspects and manifestations of Digital divide in my previous blog posts here, here and here. One of the prevalent misunderstandings among policy makers regarding Digital Divide issues is that it is somehowRead… Read more »

What Do You Think of New PMF.gov Site

[Cross-posted to the PMF Info blog here. Yes, yesterday.] After months of waiting, the new PMF website (pmf.gov) site has been released. Thematically, it’s an improvement over the old site, but I haven’t yet had a chance to dig into it to see if the information is better organized. What do you all think ofRead… Read more »

Scientific Integrity: Fueling Innovation, Building Public Trust

The White House Blog Scientific Integrity: Fueling Innovation, Building Public Trust Posted by John P. Holdren on December 17, 2010 at 02:17 PM EST On March 9, 2009, President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum on Scientific Integrity emphasizing the importance of science in guiding Administration decisions and the importance of ensuring that the public trustsRead… Read more »

Best of 2010: Top 5 Federal Collaboration Projects

As Stephen points out, it’s the time of year for reflecting on the best of, and what better way than in classic GovLoop list-style. Here are some of my favorite 2010 Federal Collaboration Projects. 5. Piggy Bank Anyone? As NextGov puts it: You’re never too young to learn financial responsibility. Back in August, the TreasuryRead… Read more »