
The Technology and the Fear – How to Move Forward with Document Management When Technology is Always Moving

I remember when I settled on my document management software choice. The happiness I felt in finding a solution that could solve our problems was replaced by fear. It was the biggest single investment in technology that my agency had ever made and the decision was left up to me. What if I picked theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio – Publivate Geordie Adams

This week we had Geordie Adams of Publivate on Gov 2.0 Radio They run an innovative/crowdsourcing technology and service company for public service. Some notes from his conversation. The methodology is key -what it is -what it is not -structure around it/responsibilities -strategic elements around it -how you communicate and market it -getting senior leadershipRead… Read more »

Can Cuomo Overcome His Leadership Flaws

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Weekly Round-up: November 12, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Thom Kearny wrote a post titled “Why Do We Collaborate,” which begins to answer the key question raised by my series on Citizen 2.0. Alan Silberberg (the secret identity of @IdeaGov) published a piece on an the critical issue of the digital divide; “Updates on Digital Divide and Gov 2.0“ Happy 235th Birthday!Read… Read more »