
But I Don’t WANNA Change!

How many of us have thought (or said) those words? Whether we like it or not, social media has changed the way we communicate and interact with other people. For some that change has been exciting for others it has been exhausting, but for anyone engaged in social media, they have already accomplished one thingRead… Read more »

Meet Ella- NASA Dryden’s New Therapy Dog

By Kathy ChristianEmployee Assistance ProgramNASA Dryden Flight Research Center I am a clinical psychologist at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base in California. I have been manager of the center’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for 12 years. Image Right: Ella, NASA Dryden’s new therapy dog. The EAP office at DFRC isRead… Read more »

Ressler’s Rule #9 – It is OK to be Stupid and it is OK to be arrogant, just don’t be both

Ressler’s Rules # 9: “It is OK to be stupid and it is OK to be arrogant, just don’t be both” Let me start this discussion with a bit of a digression – During the Vietnam War the phrase “Fragging” was coined to describe the practice of injuring or killing a superior officer who wasRead… Read more »

GovInsights: We Need a Major Social Movement

I am pleased to launch a brand new series on GovLoop called “GovInsights” where we will interview and highlight the thoughts and perspectives of professors at colleges and universities who are researching and writing about government issues. For our first interview, I interviewed Dr. Marshall Ganz, a Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard University whereRead… Read more »

Book Review – “Next Generation Democracy: What the Open Source Revolution Means for Power, Politics, and Change”

One of the reasons I started BYO was so that I could work with clients I believe in, and help push forward values and ways of governance and civic engagement that I think will change this country and the world for the better. So far we’ve been able to realize that goal, especially in ourRead… Read more »

Social media people speak up about career empowerment: “Help us help you”

Last week, I posted a discussion topic on Govloop asking what social media people want in their career. Seeing that social media is a relatively new sphere, especially within the government space, it was interesting to note the variety of responses received–ranging from a personal desire to make a difference to opportunities to innovate toRead… Read more »

Want Lots of Responses to Your Contest? Think PR!

Alice Lipowicz of Federal Computer Week wrote an interesting article about different government contests going on – some very successful, some not so much: http://fcw.com/articles/2010/10/04/low-participation-ssa-contest-remedies.aspx?sc_lang=en I expect we’ll be seeing more of this trend, so if you’re planning to try this approach, I’d like to offer some advice on how to ensure your organization’s contestsRead… Read more »

Welcoming Citizen 2.0 into Your Agency

Over the past few weeks, I’ve written about the other half of Gov 2.0: Citizen 2.0. My goal has been twofold: first, to help citizens understand that engaging government isn’t all-or-nothing. Citizens can participate in meaningful ways both from home and outside it. They can work in and for their community by themselves and asRead… Read more »

The Goal of Collaboration: Navigating the Network of Idea Spaces

Take a moment and look around your personal office space. Now look at your computer and notice what your desktop icons are and what programs you have open. According to Richard Ogle, the books, documents, computer programs, and other work aids are parts of our extended mind. We create documents, spreadsheets, whatever to offload ourRead… Read more »