
The Goal of Collaboration: Navigating the Network of Idea Spaces

Take a moment and look around your personal office space. Now look at your computer and notice what your desktop icons are and what programs you have open. According to Richard Ogle, the books, documents, computer programs, and other work aids are parts of our extended mind. We create documents, spreadsheets, whatever to offload ourRead… Read more »

Halloween Horror Stories – Happy Halloween

Check out my Halloween video on Proposal Horror Stories: http://www.ostglobalsolutions.com/blog/?p=803 I am sure you can relate to these, and have lived more of your own proposal nightmares… If you have more chilling stories, please share them with me. Also, don’t forget to check out our training workshops coming up a little over a week: “TheRead… Read more »

Recommendations – Social Media’s Game Changer

Recommendations are increasingly important with written social media. LinkedIn is my primary driver, but those recommendations are so good they deserve a wider audience beyond my LinkedIn connections. I think my recommendations are better than any brochure or resume I could write. Customers describe us differently, and their perspective may be more valuable to prospects.Read… Read more »

The Human in Human Services

Working for housing and community development agencies gave me many glimpses of health and human service agencies, both governmental and non-profits. As a result, I know many case managers, folks who’ve dedicated their professional lives to helping others through programs like homeless prevention, nutrition, vocational rehabilitation and foster care. What’s so hard about dedicating yourRead… Read more »

The Deming Award – Recognizing Excellence in Training!

Each year the Graduate School presents the W. Edwards Deming Award to a federal government organization or a civilian or uniformed branch of the military in recognition of an impressive workforce development and training initiative that has measurably improved the organization’s performance. Considered the father of Total Quality Management (TQM), Dr. Deming created a bodyRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: October 29, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda It Came from 2005: (Government Social Media activities, that is!) Here’s an interesting timeline of government social media activities. The Administration believes the problem of online trust has no government solution, reports Fierce Government IT. The CDC has published a social media toolkit. OSTP has created a committee on Internet and privacy policy.Read… Read more »


I survived October. Mostly. And there are a few days left, but the hardest parts are over. As predicted, I got a nasty cold just in time for midterms, the wedding and PMF. I had a close call with my laptop being inches from getting fire/smoke/water damage when we had a small fire at school.Read… Read more »

Weekly Research and Best Practices

Research Citizens give government low transparency rating (10/20/2010) – New study finds proven relationship between transparency, satisfaction and trust. Research shows that higher transparency leads to higher citizen satisfaction with government, which in turn leads to higher trust. http://www.federalnewsradio.com/docs/ForeSeeResults_EGovTransparencyIndex_2010.pdf Best practices in mobile web apps (10/21/2010) – World Wide Web Consortium proposes guidelines for developingRead… Read more »