

This weekend we went to a function at a resort. In our room was a next-generation, multi-blade razor. The package was a nifty travel case, there were several coupons for more blades and special smell’um. This was the marketing that made Gillette King! I was enjoying the care some marketer had taken to get meRead… Read more »

Lessons in Collaboration

When we speak of collaboration we often talk about the benefits of serendipity or emerging leadership, but within the confines of the current public institution, complete with Ministerial accountability, perhaps we speak about it too much. My underlying worry is that proponents of collaboration do themselves a disservice by failing to engage in a debateRead… Read more »

New Series Tracks Shift in D.C. Government Office’s Work Culture

This month, the Center for American Progress began chronicling the District of Columbia Office of the Chief Technology Officer’s transition to a “results-only work environment” (ROWE) where employees are free to work when they want, where they want—so long as they meet predefined goals. It will be interesting to see how the change under wayRead… Read more »

Join us: Open Innovation Festival 2010 #oif2010

The Open Innovation Festival (OIF) will be held for the third time from 29 November until 3 December 2010. The festival aims to innovate the public domain in order to showcase how governmental organizations, the profit sector and knowledge institutions can cooperate. Furthermore, it aims at showing that by working together we will create aRead… Read more »

Executing Requirements Is Not A Zero Sum Game

As government watchdog groups continue to focus on ways to reform the acquisition process and create greater transparency, the issue of requirements seems to be a common denominator for many examples of waste, fraud, and abuse in federal procurement. Dr. Steve Kelman wrote on his Federal Computer Week blog The Lectern about approaching the issueRead… Read more »

The Scoop on the New Rules for Woman-Owned Small Businesses

Small business administration has been very active these days. They have been issuing rulings left and right and coming down like a ton of bricks on long-established business practices. By the way, GTSI is back to working for the government but they cannot continue subbing to small businesses the way they were doing it. OneRead… Read more »