
Riding the Leadership See-Saw

If you are a leader working in an organization, you know what I’m talking about. You are constantly having to ride the competition-cooperation see-saw. You must cooperate (to get and keep clients/get work done) and compete (for internal resources) simultaneously. Leaders who struggle with the competition-cooperation see-saw face constant anxiety, frustration and career ending jobs.Read… Read more »

Gov Businesses: Recruit Smarter with Smart Applicant Tracking Software

Having run corporate recruiting programs for nearly 10 years, we began developing Newton in 2004 after becoming frustrated with existing commercial recruiting platforms. Until the advent of Newton, there wasn’t any recruiting technology that facilitated the fundamental activity key to all recruiting programs: decisions making. Sure, we wanted something that would make rolling out, rampingRead… Read more »

Living the Life of a Leader

Are you a leader? That’s a tough question for most people to answer. With many seemingly stalwart organizations and entities crumbling around us, those who we’ve viewed as the “traditional” leaders seem to be imploding alongside the organizations that have been “leading.” In addition to asking yourself if you are a leader, you may evenRead… Read more »

Changecasting: A Better Way to Communicate Change?

In the last twenty years, I’ve probably read hundreds of books and articles on organizational change. My dissertation was a case study of a major organizational change. In all that time and all that I read, I found very little that dealt with how to best communicate a vision for change. The advice was mostlyRead… Read more »

Rainmaker #1 Gifts

We are providing a new offering, a ten minute “Rainmaker” idea before the monthly Capital Technology Management Hub meetings in Tysons Corner. This Tuesday, November 9th is the next free CTMH meeting. For details and to sign up go to http://profits.eventbrite.com. Here is the handout for Rainmaker #1. Joining a conversation, whether a formal introductionRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Elections, Projections and Suggestions

Welcome to week number two of… Friday’s Fab Five! Every Friday, we’re summarizing the best of the week and highlighting five members or moments that were especially awesome. 5. The Most Commented Blog of the Week was posted by Daniel Honker, who asked “What do the mid-term elections mean for public servants?” In fact, HonkerRead… Read more »

Is OpenGov 1950 Stymieing OpenGov 2010?

The Obama Administration is committed to using technology to better engage citizens in their government. Ironically, legislation crafted in the 1950s to open citizen access to government documents may be a barrier to today’s Open Government initiatives. The Federal Records Act of 1950 creates a framework to manage agency records. It puts the National ArchivesRead… Read more »