
Are the Experts in Cubicles or Classrooms? (PREZI)

I just wrapped up sharing this presentation with some folks as part of the George Washington University Senior Leader Program…details later, but wanted to embed the presentation right away so they (and you!) could have a link: NOTE: I also posted a 2-part series that is the presentation-as-a-blog-post : – Part 1: https://www.govloop.com/profiles/blogs/stop-learning-the-hard-way – PartRead… Read more »

The Opportunity in Job Loss

I was 21 when I lost my first job. After working my way through college at various departments in Michigan government—the administration that I was working for lost the election. It was a shock that a popular governor had lost—and even more so for me personally as my future plans had been radically altered. TwentyRead… Read more »

What’s Another Name for “Director”

A colleague and I are having a discussion about the position or title of Director. Is it over saturated or is the title appropriate for the position. The position we are discussiong specifically is for that of a Social Media and Enterprise 2.0 person. They wish it to be called coordinator. This position does notRead… Read more »

Why do women understand government 2.0 and social media better than men? – an Answer to Andrea Di Maios question

In his recent blog post, Andrea Di Maio stated, that women decision makers seem to embrace the concept of government 2.0 more than men. I share his opinion – based on my own (subjective) impressions. In Germany, for example, the Federal Ministry of Interior leapfrogged in their attitude and actions with regard to open government,Read… Read more »

Project of the Week: “What’s My Role? Step-By-Step Hiring Guide for Federal Managers”

Our friends at the Partnership for Public Service have done it again, producing another incredible resource for Federal employees. This time, they’ve created “What’s My Role? A Step-by-Step Hiring Guide for Federal Managers.” As soon as we found out about it, we wanted to ask them a few more questions. 1. What inspired the PartnershipRead… Read more »

TPM and ASTD Partner to Provide Complimentary Training for Federal Human Resources, Training & Development, and Management Professionals

October 25-26, Alexandria, VA As federal agencies face the new challenges of an environment of expanding missions, shrinking resources, greater accountability, and increased expectations, their HR, training and management professionals are being asked to ensure that their talent capacity adapts to changing priorities, changing focus, and even changing mission over the long term. Strategic talentRead… Read more »

A BIG small idea?

I love government. Mostly for the vast majority of public servants, who are bright, devoted, and highly creative in a difficult organizational structure. I also think – which won’t be surprising given the business that I am in – that fostering innovation in the public sector should be encouraged at every turn. I want publicRead… Read more »

Top Five Government Lean Six Sigma Challenges

Workplaces in the private sector and the public sector have many similarities. After all, objectives need to be met and daily work needs to get accomplished. Through our experience with business process management we have identified five major differences between sectors: The Election Cycle Term Limits Legislative Controls Human Resources Structures Revenue is usually notRead… Read more »