
The Wicked Problem of Gov 2.0

What exactly is the nature of the Gov 2.0 challenge? This question was inspired by Andrew Krzmarzick’s post (“What Gov 2.0 Needs Now: Managers, Money and Models”) and Christina Morrison’s post (“What is Gov 2.0? A survey of Government IT pros”) on the recent GovLoop survey about Gov 2.0. As Andrew and Christina argued, theRead… Read more »

Getting UnderManaged? Do Something About It!

You can walk into every workplace and find someone that’s making cracks about the boss. But let’s be honest making jokes and complaining at the water cooler aren’t going to change the situation. So what can you do? Thanks to GovLoop member Kathleen Smith I read a great article about how employees can manage theirRead… Read more »

Improving Federal Acquisitions: Let’s Do It Right

Over on Federal Computer Week, Dr. Steve Kelman has written several blog posts on The Lectern in a series of issues related to improving federal acquisitions and communications, specifically information technology projects. Although I have commented on the specific blog posts, I wanted to have a more in depth discussion here. Improving Federal IT AcquisitionsRead… Read more »

Importance of two way Communication(s) and Web 2.0

Yes it is a rather dated story “The firing of Agriculture Department employee Shirley Sherrod” but with the release of USDA and other executive departments emails it certainly would have been, at least somewhat, less painful if everyone involved in the process had taken the time to communicate. Can’t believe that the world would haveRead… Read more »

The Intern Report: Interning in D.C

Hello Everyone! Shannon here! I am one of the GovLoop interns this fall. As of today I have officially been here in Washington, D.C for a month! I graduated from Auburn University in August and spent about two weeks at home before I found myself eager to work and learn more about social media IRead… Read more »

Is Facebook’s New “Download Your Data” Government’s Record Management Answer?

Update: There’s more than just two new features. You can see a good summary here as well: http://www.maclife.com/article/features/everything_you_need_know_about_new_facebook_features If you weren’t able to watch today’s live Facebook announcement, “Zuck” listed two major new options that will start rolling out to Facebook. The first one is a new Groups function. I won’t go into the detailsRead… Read more »

PMF Info on GovLoop

Effective immediately, I will begin crossposting the PMF Info blog on GovLoop. What this means for those of you who follow the blog is that there will be two places to engage in conversation, but it also creates an interesting privacy situation for you to navigate. To the extent possible, I will preserve your anonymityRead… Read more »

Increasing “Jointness” and Reducing Duplication in DoD Intelligence

(The views on this blog do not reflect necessarily the views of any client or employer – Dr. Bordeaux is solely responsible for the material posted to this GovLoop blog. This blog should not be considered reflective of an official position on the part of anyone other than John Bordeaux.) When the Secretary of DefenseRead… Read more »