
New Opportunities

Seth Godin has a new post with a novel idea, “The Forever Recession” that there is a cyclical recession that is ending, and a recession that is the end of the industrial age. This answers, “Why don’t I feel the recovery?” Last week I realized we are seeing two groups of prospects. Companies that wantRead… Read more »

Process Intelligence Will Help Gov 2.0 Endure

In my last posting I wrote about the advantages of using the Adaptive Project Framework (APF) to deliver Gov 2.0 projects. I argued that Gov 2.0 needs new management methods to take advantage of the new technologies and deliver on the promise of open, transparent, and accountable government. But Gov 2.0 doesn’t stop at theRead… Read more »

Gourmet Web Experiences on a Fast Food Budget – Jared Spool at NAGW 2010

It’s been a great week! First, I participated in Manor.Govfresh – an incredible, move-the-needle, local government innovation showcase event. Now I am covering the 2010 National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) National Conference. The morning started with the pop of a champagne cork with Jared Spool presenting under the title “Cooking Up Gourmet Experiences onRead… Read more »

Creative IT Hiring Strategies: Recruiting and retaining Net Gen workers in the public sector

Recently GovLoop community manager Andy K. and I wrote an article for Smart Enterprise Exchange (an online community with more than 2,000 global IT executive members- prodcued by TechWeb and CA Technologies ) entitled Creative IT Hiring Strategies: Recruiting and retaining Net Gen workers in the public sector The full article is here (need toRead… Read more »

Procurement Efficiencies Through Multiple Award Contracts

From The Acquisition Corner As reported by Federal News Radio, The Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) is pursuing several short-term initiatives to reign in the proliferation of multiple award contracts (MACs). “Progress has been made in improving some aspects of interagency acquisition,” said Jeff Zients, acting director of the Office of Management and BudgetRead… Read more »

Cancering – Better Thinking

Learning from history, I am often enlightened by how redefining a problem can lead to a relatively easy solution…even after years and years of fruitless work. John Battelle, a social media pioneer, pointed to an article redefining how we can think of cancer, featuring Danny Hillis, who has previously figured out some important things, likeRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up September 24, 2010

What we read this week at The IBM Center for the Business of Government: Gadi Ben-Yehuda Spy drones for your iPhone! I found two “Welcome to the Age of Skynet” toys this week: Rovio, a three-wheel robot with a camera that you can control over the the Web, and the very Terminator Salvation Parrot AR,Read… Read more »

See How Three DC Organizations Achieved Work Management Success

Having been involved in various government and private SharePoint-related projects, an issue that often arise is the lack of buy-in and long term commitment from decision makers. A key factor I found is often decision makers’ limited understanding of the platform benefits versus the obstacles for successful implementation. It is imperative that executives have theRead… Read more »