
Doomsday Clock Architecture

There is something fascinating to me about the doomsday clock—where we attempt to predict our own self-destruction and hopefully prevent it! The chart in this post from the Mirror in the U.K. shows the movement of the Doomsday Clock over the last 60 plus years. Currently in 2010 (not shown in the chart), we standRead… Read more »

Setting Goals for Government: Revising GPRA

Here’s a re-posting of a piece I co-authored with Jonathan Breul, Robert Shea, and Jitinder Kohli on the Center for American Progress’s “Doing What Works” website. It’s significant in that it is by senior staffers who worked on government performance issues from the Reagan, Clinton, and both Bush administrations. It explains why the Senate shouldRead… Read more »

Diminishing the Disparity (Part 1) – Can Congressional Black Caucus Stimulate Solutions to Federal Contract Award Disparity?

The Congressional Black Caucus is meeting. Do you have a reason to care? Is there any tangible impact on your business, your life? If you don’t know, it’s time to find out. You’re in luck, OGTV and its partners are live and in person at the forums that shape policy and policy makers. With theRead… Read more »

Toward A Federal Enterprise Architecture Board

A Federal Enterprise Architecture Board (FEAB) would provide “teeth” to further implementing enterprise architecture across government. We have a Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) that provides a government wide framework for architecture strategy and planning, but we do not have a FEA Board to govern the subsequent IT investments through capital planning and investment control (CPIC).Read… Read more »

What is Civil Society 2.0?

This is cross-posted from the Tech@State site Civil Society (CS) 2.0 is an effort by the US State Department to galvanize the technology community to be able to assist CS organizations across the globe by providing capabilities, resources and assistance to enable CS organizations to harness the latest ICT advances to build their digital capacity.Read… Read more »

CB2: Gov2.0 Begets Cool Tech

Adriel Hampton (@adrielhampton) kicked off today by writing a great post stating that “Gov2.0 is Not Cool Tech” . His idea is that a senator using an iPad doesn’t equal Gov2.0, but her use of it to collaborate in new ways with her constituents does. While Adriel.0 is on the money, the reality is thatRead… Read more »

Wisdom From Retired Fed – Rule #7 – Common Sense & Common Courtesy Are Uncommon

It’s been awhile since I last posted but this is Rule #7 in my series of tips I learned in my 35 years as a federal manager and SES at IRS. Rest of the tips are at the bottom ——- Ressler’s Rules #7: Common Sense and Common Courtesy are uncommon attributes and therefore highly prized.Read… Read more »