
Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 8, 2010

Our man Ressler in WaPo (and Charney, too): Kyle VanHemert: Bill Gates Thinks the Web Will Soon Offer the Best College Education Andrew P. Wilson: We Can Lead and Be Leaders John F. Moore: The Social Ecosystem – The biggest barrier to success? Education Lisa Rein: A new batch of younger employees finding their placeRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 7, 2010

The beat goes on: Stephanie Gerson: Moneyball, policy wikis, and government 2.0 Aliya Stenstein: EPA posts toxic data early to encourage crowdsourcing Jenara Nerenberg: Now Chile Wants a Silicon Valley of Its Own – But Where’s the Homegrown Talent? Tom Philpott: The history of urban agriculture should inspire its future Tim O’Reilly: Opening the doorsRead… Read more »

The Social Ecosystem: The biggest barrier to success? Education

The biggest barrier to organizations being successful within The Social Ecosystem is simply the need for education. The lack of awareness, the lack of knowledge, is holding back many organizations. In chatting with organizations across the public and private sector I am constantly encountering confusion. People know the problems they are encountering. These are real,Read… Read more »

The Ethics of Public Participation

This post was originally published on the Intellitics blog on Thursday, August 5, 2010: The Ethics of Public Participation. Subscribe to our blog via RSS or follow us on Twitter. It seems the topic of ethics and integrity in public participation is coming up more often these days (see my comments here, here). Just forRead… Read more »

USAJobs.com/Office of Personnel Management VS. FederalResumeTips.com

My issue with USAJobs – or better yet, the Office of Personnel Management and the so-called advice they are publishing – is the simple fact that it is not going to help the average person land a job. Just like Monster.com, the Office of Personnel Management’s customers are not the people searching for employment onRead… Read more »

Fixing the process (and paper) in due process: the story of document management and courts

I had a brief stay in county government. It turned out to be the most exciting microcosm of government that I ever worked in. Just walking from one floor to another showed amazing variation in the daily tasks and challenges of a county government worker. Counties do it all – tax collection to historic recordsRead… Read more »

Role of SoA in Government Tax operations = Real revenue for states

Service Oriented Architecture is often touted as a mechanism to improve business performance, but is often limited in its effect to improvements in IT architecture. However, the DC Office of Tax and Revenue is showing how SoA, and specifically leveraging the Enterprise Service Bus architecture can lead to real revenue growth for state and localRead… Read more »

DIVERSITY Drives CREATIVITY and INNOVATION: History proves it!

Every once in a while, something or someone pops up on our path to affirm that we are headed in the right direction, by pointing us to WISDOM that affirms what we all need to know, documented long ago — perhaps in a different way. When we least expect it, a supporting “proof point” showsRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 2, 2010

Tell me, is there an app for that? Matt Poelmans: FutureGovForum, AustraliaHeather Timmons: In India, Using Facebook to Catch Scofflaw DriversNESTA: Small is Beautiful – Innovation in Local GovernmentPeter Corbett: Apps for the Army Winners – Doubling Our ExpectationsElizabeth Woyke: Apps That Change the WorldGov 2.0 Radio: UserVoice CEO Richard White on Leveraging Your Community

How to Fail at Organizational Change: A Case Study

“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” Oscar Wilde I am a student of failure because I find failure quite instructive. As a teacher of project management, I extol the effectiveness of project management but I also admit that roughly 30% of all projects are successful in that they fulfilled all the customer’sRead… Read more »