
Citizen networks – what can we learn from the science of epigenetics?

Not all that long ago, the scientific community was justifiably ecstatic about having achieved mapping of the human genome – The Human Genome project. The promise was that by understanding genetic mapping we could find cures for disease, disability, and perhaps enhance longevity. http://tinyurl.com/2vu2z But an interesting development has occurred. Scientists are now learning thatRead… Read more »

Innovation 2.0 – Seth Godin

Yesterday I had the opportunity to hear Seth Godin speak. Here are some tips from him on how to be a Linchpin (this is all paraphrased): On people: -Go beyond the manual. FAIL, FAIL, and FAIL again (failure was a common theme discussed throughout the morning). -You cannot succeed by doing just what you areRead… Read more »

What the U.S. Department of the Treasury needs to know about brand consistency

I recently attended a fantastic event hosted by 85Broads, White & Case Women’s Initiative, and Ms. JD featuring the inspiring Laura Liswood. Afterwards, as I networked and chatted with other women there, I met two women from the U.S. Department of the Treasury. We talked for a bit and then performed the ritual business cardRead… Read more »


Scott Span, MSOD currently serves as President of Tolero Solutions, an independent organizational development and change management-consulting firm. He is an organization development and change management practitioner with experience working in strategic and transformational change. Scott has worked both internally, externally, and as an independent contractor in the Public and Private sector. Mr. Span isRead… Read more »

When a city works: sharing Central Park with a dog, a husband, and a couple of thousand triathletes who have just swum the Hudson River

Today my husband, dog, and I went to Central Park for a photo shoot–for my husband and dog. Jeff (the husband) has a book coming out about project management at the end of the year. He’s upgrading his website, and so he hired a very nice photographer to take pictures for his website that showRead… Read more »

National VOAD and Potential Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Disaster Assistance EMPOWER Webinar

EMPOWER Invites You to Attend a Free Webinar Tuesday, July 27, 2010 – 12:00 Noon EST “National VOAD and Potential Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Disaster Assistance” The Emergency Management Professional Organization for Women in Emergency Management (EMPOWER) invites you to a one hour, interactive Webinar on Tuesday, July 27, 2010, beginningRead… Read more »

Keys to Strengthening Buy-in, Trust and Team Coordination in a Generationally-Culturally Diverse (Military or Civilian) Workforce

I’m preparing for a major offsite event with the Command Teams of the 1st Cavalry/Ft. Hood, TX. I’ve been asked to explore new (for me) conceptual territory — Generational Diversity. More specifically, the Army wants me to provide some fresh ideas and exercises for “Communicating with the Younger Soldier.” To oversimplify matters: how can theRead… Read more »