
On Change, or Why They Hate You

In a recent listserv conversation, someone asked a very reasonable question: What does the literature say about how change agents are received? This was in the context of knowledge management (KM), and the inquiry stemmed from an honest attempt to understand the hostility experienced from some in the workforce upon being introduced to KM initiatives.Read… Read more »

Web 2.0: Is the public sector really behind the private sector?

In the first of what could become and ongoing discussion series I join Leila Sadeghi, Ph.D., to discuss a recent Harris Interactive poll. Leila Sadeghi, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor with the Center for Executive Leadership in Government at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. This first post has been interesting, a joint writingRead… Read more »

Cease Fire at the Generation Gap

When I was a PMF in 1998, I attended a week-long training in Shepardsville, W.V. along with a number of other PMFs. At that same facility, there was a group of mid-career federal employees who were also receiving training. Neither group interacted with each other except for a couple of incidents where the mid-career groupRead… Read more »

Member-of-the-Week: Sara Estes Cohen

Sara Estes Cohen Project Manager, Teracore, Inc. www.teracore.com Department of Homeland Security First Responder Communities of Practicehttps://communities.firstresponder.gov Govloop.com Gulf Coast Oil Spill Forumhttps://www.govloop.com/group/gulfcoastoilspillforum 1. What was your path to public service/current job? Born and raised in New Orleans, after college I moved home and I was living there and working as a rock and rollRead… Read more »

Insourcing: More Specific Guidance from OMB is Needed For Success

From The Acquisition Corner Under guidance from the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), expected later this summer, agencies will need to develop a business case before launching a multi-agency contract (MAC). According to the preliminary guidance, the business cases will require agencies to address the government’s ability to leverage its buying power with theRead… Read more »