
I can do THAT with my mouse? The integration imperative for government document management software (part II)

July and August used to be pretty rough times for my colleagues in community development. Each year, we would have to gather reports on projects funded with federal dollars. Some years we had a staggering 200 projects underway. In June, the information from this paper avalanche had to be manually entered into our database. OneRead… Read more »

Controlling the Invisible

Recently, I was engaged in a listserv conversation (remember those?) regarding the balance between standards-based enterprises and the need to engage creative talent who may bristle at standard processes. The conversation moved to the question of new processes and standards that respected the nature of complex organizations (rather than early 20th century bureaucracies), and IRead… Read more »

Plays well with others: the integration imperative for government document management software (part I)

During my government days, the most difficult decisions I had to make were which software packages to buy and which vendors to use. Why was this so difficult? We had so many pieces and parts already – at one point, I had six different databases covering my 50-person department. And each person had to learnRead… Read more »

Blog Series: Part 2 – So You Hired a Gen Y – Now Get The Most Out of Them!

Blog Series: So You Hired a Gen Y – Now Get The Most Out of Them! A Tolero Solutions blog series on how to utilize Gen Y using the Gen Y Recruitment and Retention Lifecycle™ By: Scott Span, MSOD Phase 2 – Assess In a previous post So You Hired a Gen Y – NowRead… Read more »

Disincentives to collaborate? The Government of Canada Employee Innovation Program

Last week the Government of Canada announced a new program intended to promote innovation in the workplace. Generally speaking, any effort to drive innovation should be applauded- however, the role of incentives in promoting innovation and motivating individuals to participate is an elaborate issue. Strategies and tactics should be approached with caution, with creativity, andRead… Read more »

Strategic Tips for Creating a Personal Brand -Lily Whiteman

Hey – Lily Whiteman (One of our speakers for Next Generation of Gov’t Summit and Author of How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job) recently talked with Human Resources IQ on “Strategic Tips for Creating a Personal Brand” – which is the name of session Lily’s talking about at Next Gen Gov Summit Listen toRead… Read more »

Organizational Entrepreneurs: 21st Century Leaders

Making Mountains out of Capitol Hill A first time visitor to Capitol Hill will probably be surprised to find the legislative branch of United States government essentially run by twenty-something-year-olds fresh out of school. “I’m 33 and I am past my time,” Eric Johnson, former Chief of Staff to Robert Wexler (D-FL), told a groupRead… Read more »