

(WASHINGTON)—The Acting Regional Director of the FLRA’s Washington Region today issued his ruling on the representation petition filed by AFGE in its bid to formally represent some 40,000 Transportation Security nationwide. In dismissing the AFGE petition, Acting RD Peter Sutton cited the 2003 Decision of the full Authority, which held that the agency has noRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0: Are You Ready? You’ve Made the Decision, What is the Impact?

By Luis Benavides, Business Development Manager http://blogs.netapp.com/uspub/2010/05/gov20_ruready.html In the past when I was invited to talk to customers about SharePoint on NetApp (SnapManager for SharePoint) I would always start the conversation off by talking about the world of ‘collaboration’ and endless possibilities, about how SharePoint is a starting point; integration with Project Server, BizTalk, StreamingRead… Read more »

New Software-as-a-Service Platform and Applications for Government

Today, Granicus, Inc. released a new software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform to provide government agencies at the local, state, and federal level the tools they need to manage and broadcast rich-media online and engage citizens in the democratic process in new ways. Additionally, it’s now offering five new application suites which can be added to the platformRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Notes form Sonal Shah – WH Director of Soc Entrepreneurship

Sonal Shah – WH Director of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation How do we look at these problems differently? With technology, innovation, and people…what keeping us from scaling great ideas. 3 perspectives the office works from: 1-Capital – How can gov’t deploy capital differently to ensure best ideas to capital. In social sectors, get a grantRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Citizen Engagement Rocking Out

Dan Munz of GSA and Peter Levin VA CTO talking about citizen engagement… Some key take aways-Citizen engagement is about making GOVERNMENT WORK BETTER…Not about cool tech, cool ideas.-GSA has lots of upcoming items including challenge platform, citizen engagement platform, and Fedspace coming up. VA is serious about engagement-300,000 employees in VA, 50,000 in VBA-VeteransRead… Read more »

Response to: Who pays the legal fees? The federal employee or the federal government?

Who pays the legal fees? The federal employee or the federal government? We are able to provide information specific to your position if you are interested. For administrative/disciplinary matters: the FEDS PLI policy pays for legal defense up to $200,000 for any disciplinary or judicial sanction proceeding or administrative investigations into alleged misconduct from anyRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week – U.S. Public Service Academy

I recently ran across something really interesting movement and had to share it with the GovLoop community. It shows how important public service is and how people are rallying around the idea training individuals to be the best public servants they can be. “The U.S. Public Service Academy will be an undergraduate institution devoted toRead… Read more »

Blended Workforce Done Strategically is Right Sizing

From The Acquisition Corner The insourcing debate seems to have heated up this month, as competing forces are all at play and all are trying to be satisfied. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) continues to provide guidance on inherently governmental functions, public comments continue on the proposed rules, and groups to help smallRead… Read more »

Professional Liability for Federal Employees

Now, more than ever, we want to communicate to the entire federal community—not just law enforcement and management officials – that a professional liability policy is necessary to protect against administrative, disciplinary, civil and criminal exposure. With the changing landscape of the federal community, new workplace rules, new threats and technology, increased workloads and politicalRead… Read more »