
Top 5 Reasons to Upgrade your PC

It was great to engage with the GovLoop community last week for our Knowledge Dialogue forum discussion about the importance of refreshing your PCs. There were some very interesting (and amusing!) thoughts and stories about issues that you all are having with your technology equipment and computers, and how badly you are in need ofRead… Read more »

America’s Top Military Officer Uses Business (and interdisciplinary thinking) to Boost National Security

Originally posted to http://www.andrewdwelch.com at http://www.andrewdwelch.com/2010/05/americas-top-military-officer-uses.html. I have grown to appreciate the value of interdisciplinary thinking. Put another way, I have found that my experiences in business, the Coast Guard, education, non-profits, information technology, even retail have together prepared me to better tackle a variety of challenges across industries, organizations, venues. Of course, I doRead… Read more »

Senate vote on same-sex benefits for gay partners of federal workers ‘within weeks’

The Senate could vote on a bill extending fringe benefits to the same-sex partners of gay federal employees “within weeks” and well before July 4, according to aides to Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.). The Nutmeg State senator is lead sponsor of the measure, which would cost an estimated $310 million through 2020, according toRead… Read more »

4 Little Explored Areas in Contract Transparency

Sterling keeps a blog called All Things Sterling. Transparency. Accountability. Openness. Whatever you want to call it, it’s here to stay. Transparency is young, but contract transparency is an infant. This gives us the opportunity to set the agenda of what it really means and will look like for years to come. GovLoop has alreadyRead… Read more »

A Billion Brains are Better Than One

Article from following link http://www.linkedin.com/news?viewArticle=&articleID=126003690&gid=27818&articleURL=http%3A%2F%2Fc%2Emoreover%2Ecom%2Fclick%2Fhere%2Epl%3Fz2743800238%26z%3D950243899&urlhash=fEmr&trk=news_discuss T-DRIVEN INNOVATION A Billion Brains are Better Than One Interview with Thomas W. Malone March 18, 2010 MIT Sloan’s Thomas W. Malone, author of The Future of Work, on how the smartest companies will use emerging technology to tap the power of collective intelligence PDF BUY ARTICLE & PERMISSIONS “MostRead… Read more »

My experience attending the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds Conference 2010

I was able to attend from the comfort of my home office. There were many panel discussions but these bullet points are from the discussions on vGov and Virtual World studies to stay in line with the initial discussion about Second Life. I would encourage others to go to their website and check out theRead… Read more »

What is the Biggest IT Change in the Last 30 Years?

Collaboration has come a long and I do mean a LONG way in the last 30 years. So with all the advances out there what is the single most important one? You can vote here: http://ideas.govloop.com/forums/56138-moc-30-years-of-collaboration I mean there are several to chose from: E-mail, Internet, Cell Phone and Shared Drives, and if we haven’tRead… Read more »