Positive Leadership Makes a Big Impact
What is your relationship with your leaders like? It makes a true difference.
What is your relationship with your leaders like? It makes a true difference.
For the 11th year, we’re hosting the NextGen Public Service Awards, which gives you an opportunity to nominate exceptional public servants to receive recognition.
If we learn how to deliver feedback in a constructive manner, we can help those receiving it thrive.
Now that my bookshelf is packed, it’s time for me to go find some new sources of leadership inspiration. I hope after reading this, you’ll also be inspired to look for leadership lessons in whatever you chose to read.
Three considerations for public leaders when it comes to championing successful process improvements.
They are saving lives and making life more manageable during these trying times. Here are just some of the many unexpected ways government employees are doing all they can for communities.
Are the professed values of your team consistent with demonstrated behaviors? Hypocrisy is the single greatest detriment to employee engagement. Intentionally define and implement a values-based culture to fight back!
According to Gallup, approximately two-thirds of the US workforce is not engaged. Simply put, these employees are going through the motions. I refer to these individuals as “Zombies in the Workforce.”
Can one learn to see differences differently?
While you are at home trying to work, there are two character traits that will make it a little more bearable: being adaptable, and being available.