
Crowdsourcing: gathering information to support forest fire fighting

Elena Rapisardi, a new friend who contracts with, and does innovative volunteer work for, various parts of the Italian government, has reported out on an interesting meeting here. I bring this up because we don’t always notice when new ground is being broken and new fuel is being provided for our own further development andRead… Read more »

Tobacco Control State Highlights 2010

Tobacco Control State Highlights 2010 A new report released by CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health confirms that smoking rates can be significantly reduced if high-impact strategies such as higher cigarette prices, stronger smoke-free laws, aggressive media campaigns, and increased funding for tobacco control programs are implemented across the country. Tobacco Control State Highlights 2010Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup (April 23 Edition)

Local governments look to the cloud, Corpus Christi goes the open source route, with a twist, the Commerce Department wants your opinion and financial fraud victims have a new resource, all in this week’s version of the Rock Creek Roundup. –Saving resources, having access to advanced features and functionality, and reliable availability and uptime wereRead… Read more »

Why Understanding the Cycle of Business Development is important to Winning Government Proposals

My 5-year-old daughter, when working on a puzzle, knows to glance at the whole picture first, before starting to assemble the pieces. She is up to 30-piece puzzles now, which have gotten quite complex. So, her process is to study the picture, and then find a corner piece to which she then starts adding pieces.Read… Read more »

Change Your Questions- Change Your Outcomes

“New opinions often appear first as jokes and fancies, then as blasphemies and treason, then as questions open to discussion, and finally as established truths.” ~ George Bernard Shaw In a bookstore recently, I perused the books on the shelves and a spotted an intriguing title that jumped out at me: “Change Your Questions- ChangeRead… Read more »

“Decision Making and Problem Solving” about committing to action, even in uncertain situations

Originally posted on http://www.andrewdwelch.com at http://www.andrewdwelch.com/2010/04/decision-making-and-problem-solving.html. The “spotlight on leadership” this week focuses on “decision making and problem solving,” begging the question, how do we involve others in decisions while still making good judgements when it is time to commit to action? Go ahead, I await your thoughts… There is a lot more to decisionRead… Read more »