
Northern Territory Public Sector – More open than the rest? Could we co-design public sector agencies?

Hi Folks. A lovely Autumn day here in Canberra Australia. OK I’m biased given the time I spent working in the Northern Territory. But, the Nothern Territory Public Sector has always been quite innovative. It all goes back the work done on the Public Service Act and sector wide leadership and management development in theRead… Read more »

One Night In Bangkok, The NBA Playoffs… only from the Hokie Guru, Govloop’s Bureaucrat on Sports

Let’s get things started… back to the 1980’s…. One Night in Bangkok makes a hard guy humble 2010 NBA Playoffs After 1230 regular season games, the NBA playoffs have arrived. Let’s take a look at the first round matchups: Eastern Conference 1.) The #1 seed Cleveland Cavaliers take on the #8 seed Chicago Bulls. ExpectRead… Read more »

Leading Through Listening

Client management is always a challenge; there’s an implicit, ongoing challenge to forming mutual and clear expectations and partnerships from the very beginning. To achieve those expectations, one needs to learn how to lead through listening. I recall my early training in project management as an architect and later as a freelance consultant, learning howRead… Read more »

ASPA Annual Conference Event: Students have an Active Voice in ASPA

At the National Council Meeting on April 10, 2010, it seems clear that the council agrees that the Student Representative (newly establish voting position on the council) should do the following: Be in contact with students (national and international) and provide students with a direct link to Council. (When I mention students above and goingRead… Read more »

ASPA Annual Conference Event: ASPA’s On the Move….

Today, April 10, 2010, I attended and participated in my first ASPA National Council Meeting. Today, I am proud to say that I served my constituents (ASPA’s Students and New Professionals) as a full voting member of the National Council—The Student Representative on National Council. President Elect, Meredith Newman, has stated throughout the conference thatRead… Read more »

Washington DC is opening up its budgets, will you?

Sonny Hashmi, Deputy Chief Information Officer, OCFO at DC Government, sent me a note highlighting the new CFOInfo DC Dashboard, which is in Beta. This dashboard is exposing details of the District of Columbia’s budget to a degree I have never seen before, and making it easy for your average user to dig in andRead… Read more »

I can be led, so lead me.

I’ve lost count of the number of times over the last decade that I’ve watched presentations that make reference to the generational differences in workplace motivation between the Baby Boomers and the younger generations of X (~1961 to ~1981) and Y (~1982 to ~1999). For the most part, they all tend to focus on theRead… Read more »