
Transparent Leadership (Roger Schwarz)

Originally published by Roger Schwarz on April 7 as GovExec’s Management Matters column. Are you a transparent leader? Soon after taking office, President Obama issued an executive order calling for agencies to be transparent, participatory and collaborative as a means to strengthen democracy and to make government more efficient and effective. The directive focused onRead… Read more »

Noventri Brings Content To The Digital Signage Show in Vegas!

Attending The Digital Signage Show in Las Vegas means a chance to learn about content at the Cooking Up Content series with Noventri. The Digital Signage Show and KioskCom 2010 has made it a priority to address the needs of organizations to develop customer engagement programs that include kiosks, digital signage and multiple digital mediaRead… Read more »

DC-area creatives primed to deliver meaningful projects during Digital Capital Week

Launched April 1, Digital Capital Week (DCWEEK) unveiled a wiki to fill volunteer positions for twenty-five projects focused on technology, innovation, and all things digital. The ten-day festival is designed to promote digital literacy, drive economic (re)development and improve the interconnectedness of Washington, D.C. residents and their government. Similar to Austin, Texas’ SXSW festival (whereRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Discussing leadership issues in government

Are you a seasoned federal government manager trying to bring excellence to your workplace? A contractor trying to navigate an unfamiliar bureacracy? An aspiring leader who wants to change the world through federal government service? Then I know you will want to read my new Washington Post On Leadership column and blog, The Federal Coach.Read… Read more »

What Cost Citizen Engagement? (Richard Fahey)

Dr. GovLoop has been scouring the Web for great content…and found this great post by Richard Fahey, a GovLooper from Ireland. Tomorrow marks the end of Sunshine week, highlighting the importance of transparency, open government and freedom of information. The week has seen the launch of a wide range of initiatives focused on the themesRead… Read more »

Opening Up on Open Government

I had a pretty unique privilege earlier this week – and frankly, as a huge transparency advocate, I’m still a bit electrified by the experience – in getting to attend a series of briefings at the White House Conference Center by individual government agencies to collaborate with stakeholders on how best to adopt the principlesRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Agencies to pay bills in a FIT fashion

Happy Monday! The Obama administration on Monday will open a new office at the Treasury Department designed to help federal agencies pay their bills more efficiently. The Treasury Department and Office of Management and Budget will merge some financial management responsibilities into the new Office of Financial Innovation and Transformation (FIT). The office’s 10 toRead… Read more »

Inherently Governmental Functions

Work Reserved for Performance by Federal Government Employees From the federal register ….Appendix A: The following is an illustrative list of functions considered to be inherently governmental.1. The direct conduct of criminal investigation. 2. The control of prosecutions and performance of adjudicatory functions (other than those relating to arbitration or other methods of alternative disputeRead… Read more »

Crowdsourcing: gathering information to support forest fire fightings

On the 29 of March, in Rome, an interesting workshop took place, organized by AIIC (Italian Association on Critical Infrastructures – http://www.infrastrutturecritiche.it/).The workshop was attended by experts, corporates and national research centres representatives. The aim was to share projects, thoughts, approaches and solutions on how to manage the safety and security of critical infrastructures. TheRead… Read more »

Kit Kat and Government Social Media – Lessons from the Nestle’ vs. Greenpeace debacle

If you follow the social media and PR news cycle you have probably heard by now about the mess Nestle’ has found itself in on its Facebook page while dealing with a coordinated campaign by Greenpeace against its use of palm oil in its products. There is already a host of blog posts and articlesRead… Read more »