
Rallying the Troops… Where’s the General? Where is Maximus?

For the longest time, one quote from the movie “Gladiator” keeps coming back to me again and again. But until recently I haven’t figured how it applies in todays environment. The quote is this, “Today I saw a slave become more powerfulthan the emperor of Rome. The gods have spared me? I am at theirRead… Read more »

Proceedings on education and training for leaders, managers, and all those invested in the success of their people

Original post from http://www.andrewdwelch.com at http://www.andrewdwelch.com/2010/03/proceedings-on-education-and-training.html Leaders, managers, and all those invested in the success of their people would do well to indulge themselves in last month’s (February 2010) “Education and Training” issue of Proceedings from the U.S. Naval Institute (on Twitter@navalinstitute). I make this recommendation broadly, as I find many of the lessons learnedRead… Read more »

Congressman Honda weighs in on Social Media and Government 2.0

I had the pleasure of asking questions of Congressman Mike Honda, via his Legislative Correspondent/Online Communications Coordinator, Ahmed R. Bhadelia. While a more direct communication is always preferable I appreciate the Congressman, and his Staff, taking time out of a very busy schedule to respond. Q. What are your views on the open government directiveRead… Read more »

GovReads! Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation

Having recently registered for the ‘Open Government & Innovations’ conference, I decided to finally read “Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation”, a book I purchased after an exciting introductory meeting with the firm IDEO last year. Written by Tim Brown, CEO & President of IDEO, a global design and innovationRead… Read more »

Stop changing the way people work!

It has occurred to me more and more recently that trying to get people to change the way they work is a pointless exercise and pretty hard work really especially if what you are suggesting challenges what they stand for and the very role they have become experts in over a number of years. InRead… Read more »

Service leaders in the community, nation, and world help answer the question “Why do you serve?”

Original post at http://www.andrewdwelch.com/2010/03/service-leaders-in-community-nation-and.html. Six weeks ago I started a regular Monday segment at www.andrewdwelch.com that features personal thoughts and reflections on service, written (usually) by those who serve. I get a number of questions about the segment, so decided that I would discuss the idea a bit and recap the stories told since weRead… Read more »

Thank You to New Community Leaders!

I don’t normally give personal shout-outs, but I wanted to extend a special thanks to a bunch of brand new GovLoop Community Leaders. They responded to a GovLoop Special Edition email where we made an appeal for GovLoopers to “Be a Leader.” And they’re already making their unique mark on GovLoop. This is kind ofRead… Read more »

Member of the Week – Savi Swick

I had the opportunity to speak with Savi Swick who works for the Health and Human Services Agency for the County of San Diego. She is deeply engaged in many county initiatives to better serve the community. I appreciate the time she took to discuss her role and ambitions. Thank you Savi! 1. What isRead… Read more »