
Leading Across Boundaries!!

Russ Linden wrote a book a few years back entitled Working Across Boundaries that inspired me to co-found the Interagency Network of Enterprise Assistance Providers (INEAP www.ineap.gov). He has just released a new book that’s got to be the definitive word on leading collaborations. It is fantastic! “Leading Across Boundaries: Creating Collaborative Agencies in aRead… Read more »

Institutions Versus Collaboration

I watched a great TED talk on youtube by Clay Shirky called “Institutions versus Collaboration.” The link was forwarded to me by Mark Horowitz, who is working to introduce wiki technology at the Millennium Challenge Corporation and wanted to learn about USAID’s experience with Developedia. The Shirky talk is from 2005, but the issues raisedRead… Read more »

The Long Tail of Enterprise Content Management

Question: Can we expect a much larger amount of the available content to be consumed or used by at least a few people in the organisations? Shifting focus from bestsellers to niche markets In 2006 the editior-in-chief of Wired magazine Chris Andersson published his book called ”The Long Tail – Why the Future of BusinessRead… Read more »

Ben’s Blocks

I think we are in a time of discontinuous change. Stands to reason we should be managing for that. My friend Ben, my longest running client, doesn’t make sales…he creates markets. Over the past fifteen years he has done that several times, usually when forced by collapsing employers. He called the other day and said,Read… Read more »

Public Sector is Multi-Sector. Do you believe it?

Public Sector is Multi-Sector. Do you believe it? As I wrote previously, I believe that public sector is multi-sector. I continuously see my friends and colleagues who are passionate about public service do it from a number of angles. Some are government employees. Some are contractors. Some are authors. Some run non-profits. But all trulyRead… Read more »