
Public Sector is Multi-Sector. Do you believe it?

Public Sector is Multi-Sector. Do you believe it? As I wrote previously, I believe that public sector is multi-sector. I continuously see my friends and colleagues who are passionate about public service do it from a number of angles. Some are government employees. Some are contractors. Some are authors. Some run non-profits. But all trulyRead… Read more »

Multiple Generations in the Government Workplace

Listen to GovLoop’s own Andy Krzmarzick talk about Multiple Generations in the Government Workplace on today’s Gov 101 Radio podcast. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/gov101radio/2010/03/02/gov101radio–multiple-generations-in-the-government-workplace Gov 101 Radio was created to go in-the-trenches of government and how it functions on a detailed level. If you’re interested in sharing your expertise on our show, please e-mail us at [email protected].

Two thumbs way up! INgage Networks and MSU

While I have known about this partnership for a while it was great to see INgage Networks and Michigan State University announce their partnership yesterday. I asked Kim Kobza, CEO of INgage Networks, how the projects will be selected and how they will decide success, here is what he shared: “As part of our agreementRead… Read more »

Portraying Government Procurement: Is It The Media Or The Culture?

From The Acquisition Corner Recent testimony by Steve Schooner, co-director of The George Washington University’s Government Procurement Law Program, and others before the House Armed Services Committee’s Defense Acquisition Reform Panel, helped paint the picture and made valid points about how the media portrays the federal acquisition environment and the current state it is in.Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Pentagon changes line of succession

Happy Tuesday! Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has reorganized the Pentagon’s line of succession, reverting back to a pre-Rumsfeld pecking order that emphasizes civilian service chiefs and adds new positions. President Obama issued an executive order Monday that restocks the order this way in the event that Gates dies or is otherwise unable to serve:Read… Read more »

Privacy News Highlights – Feb 13 – 28

Privacy News Highlights 13–28 February 2010 Contents: EU – Legality of Fingerprint Database to be Tested in Netherlands Court 3 CA – Alberta Retailer Ordered to Stop Credit Checks. 3 CA – Privacy Commissioner Cites Sobeys for Collecting Personal Info. 3 CA – Saskatchewan Privacy Boss Decries Denial of New Staff 4 CA – CommissionersRead… Read more »

“Go! GovLoop for New Members”…& Old Pros!

Those who’ve been around for a while may have heard my story about coming up to speed on GovLoop and what I learned in the process (an early blog about it here). Seeking help, I reached out to Steve Ressler, who suggested doing a few basic things to get connected. Adriel Hampton, was also supportive.Read… Read more »