
DoD Social Media Policy

Just Released: Official DoD Social Media Policy to “provide access to Internet-based capabilities” http://bit.ly/aEHMP8 So basically, it’s now official that DoD folks can access Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. and establish official presences on these websites. What to expect: CIO: Will provide implementation guidance. After all, there is some tech involved in the proper use ofRead… Read more »

The Obama Administration’s IT Budget

Washington has no shortage of rituals, but few seem to draw more commotion or are parsed for deeper meaning than the annual unveiling of the president’s budget. Now that the budget documents are electronically certified and made available online, the traditional release of freshly bound tomes at the Government Printing Office before a phalanx ofRead… Read more »

Archiving Social Media – Comprehensive Resources on GovLoop and Beyond

Earlier today, I saw this tweet from GovLoop Founder Steve Ressler: So I did a quick search of GovLoop and found a TON of content and conversations (see below). Also, I started creating a GovLoop Guide on Archiving. Want to help me finish it? Send me a message. GOVLOOP RESOURCES >>>BLOGS • Email, records, content,Read… Read more »

The Best Question…Ever!

The best way to present new information is a story. The best way to get a listener to focus on your story is to start with a question. Did you ever feel your body lurch to answer when someone asked a good question? In direct mail, a proven start is the “Passover Opening” from “WhyRead… Read more »

How I define Transparency: A 2-Phase Process

In the development of a more open and transparent government, there are two phases of transparency that can be measured to get at the overall effectiveness of the open government directive. The first option is to look at I deem is the actual transparency. How this blog defines actual transparency is: the tangible data thatRead… Read more »

The HR-IT Imperative: What Every HR Professional Needs to Know About Using IT to Deliver HR Success

Please come join Tri Tuns at the International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IMPA-HR) conference in Takoma Park, MD where Jason Whitehead & Phil Power will present an exciting program, ““The HR-IT Imperative: What Every HR Professional Needs to Know About Using IT to Deliver HR Success”. SHORT DESCRIPTION Many organizations today are tryingRead… Read more »

The Audacity of Humility: Leading by “All Too Human” Example

Just before the start of a “Stress, Change and Creative Teaming” workshop, I was testing out my microphone. The program was for managers of a global engineering company. Most of the 50 + particpants were ex-military, now contractors working with commands and brigades based at Ft. Hood, TX or presently stationed overseas. As I calledRead… Read more »