
Step Back from the Brink

A recent PAIRS Foundation research report found that four out of five couples on the brink of divorce can transform their relationships by participating in brief, evidence-based marriage education classes led by qualified instructors. The PAIRS study offers ample cause for distressed couples to step back from the brink of marital breakdown to explore howRead… Read more »

Exclusive: Southers speaks out about TSA nomination withdraw

By Dorothy Ramienski Internet Editor Federal News Radio President Barack Obama’s choice to lead the Transportation Security Administration withdrew his name Wednesday, and is now speaking out as to why. Erroll Southers said he was pulling out because his nomination had become a lightning rod for those with a political agenda. He tells Federal NewsRead… Read more »

Alec Ross, State Dept’s Senior Advisor for Innovation, to chat with Fed News Radio

Super excited to let you all know that Alec Ross, the State Department’s Senior Advisor for Innovation, will chat with Federal News Radio this afternoon at 4:05 p.m. on The Daily Debrief with Chris Dorobek and Amy Morris. We’ll talk about the issues surrounding the idea of Internet freedom in the wake of the Google/ChinaRead… Read more »

Email, records, content, information, knowledge – What’s a records manager to do?

I saw this article on GCN, http://gcn.com/Articles/2010/01/19/Web-White-House-Email-system-details.aspx?s=gcndaily_200110&Page=1. While EmailXtender is probably not classified as an Records Managment Application, it appears to have RM capabilities. EMC makes Documentum, which is DoD 5015.02 certified. I was somewhat curious when they mentioned that the system is stored off-site, which made me wonder if this was an actual stand-aloneRead… Read more »

TSA Nominee Erroll Southers withdraws nomination amid ‘political agenda’

President Barack Obama’s choice to lead the Transportation Security Administration is withdrawing his nomination. Erroll Southers says he is doing so because his nomination has become a lightning rod for those with a political agenda. The White House says Obama accepts Southers’ decision with great sadness. Obama had tapped Southers, a former FBI agent, toRead… Read more »

Is the Coast Guard ready for Social Media in a Crisis Situation?

Though completely coincidental to the earthquake in Haiti, I’ve slowly been working on the thoughts and outline for this post- which now seems more relevant than ever. You’ll recall a post from a few weeks ago titled Social Media as a warning tool… which I now admit was kind of a letdown of a postRead… Read more »

Subcommittee to examine agency energy usage

By Dorothy Ramienski Internet Editor Federal News Radio Can the federal government be doing more to save money and energy? Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) is Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security. He said his committee will start off by holdingRead… Read more »

Rosa Parks on DR. KING as a ROLE MODEL

In her book, Quiet Strength: The Faith, the Hope, and the Heart of a Woman Who Changed a Nation by Rosa Parks, she shared several examples of people who served as role models. One was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She recalled his influence in these words… “Martin Luther King Jr. set a profound exampleRead… Read more »

Drupal for Courts

A group of legal informatics researchers, of which I’m one, is currently trying to identify courts that use the Drupal open-source content management system for their Websites or other information systems. So far, we have identified just one court Website that uses Drupal: the emergency preparedness site of the U.S. District Court for the CentralRead… Read more »