
Mentoring in a Flash

Mentoring is one of the most effective professional and career development options available for people. A major challenge for mentoring, however, is the lack of available time (or perceived lack of time) on the part of potential mentors to participate. A solution? How about mentoring in a flash. Flash mentoring is a one-time meeting orRead… Read more »

Thoughts from ELC

Thoughts from ELC A couple weeks back I went to the ACT/IAC Executive Leadership Conference in Williamsburg. It is arguably the premier federal IT conference of the year with over 800 people in attendance. I spoke on two different panels related to collaboration, Gov 2.0, and Gen Y. An interesting note from the questions wasRead… Read more »

EPP-Kansas City-Team Sprint Center

We are currently working on our Team Agreements. A few items that we have discussed are Open Communication, Flexibility, Meeting Management, Decision Making, Conflict Resolution, Developing Outline and Strategy/Vision for our Site Visit and Presentation. We plan to complete our site report before the Kansas City training ends. We will commit to complete required assignments.Read… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Hi everyone – It’s your govloop weekly dose of TSP Talk from www.tsptalk.com. Last week was a volatile week for the stock market and a strong finish on Friday solidified some decent gains for both the major indices, and the TSP stock funds. The C-fund closed up 2.33% for the week. The S-fund gained 1.64%Read… Read more »

Focus on Efficiency Phase 3: Implement and Prepare for Change

A previous post laid out the Focus on Efficiency Framework: Plan – Decide – Implement – Review – Repeat. If you’ve reached this stage, you’ve decided to implement your project. Implementing means just that: Implementing the plans you made back in the Planning phase. You’ll implement using traditional project management techniques like PMBOK or whateverRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Incorrect long-term care info mailed to gov’t workers

Letters sent to tens of thousands of employees in the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program contained errors in calculating potential premiums, the Office of Personnel Management announced Friday. The errors mean enrollees now have until March 15, 2010 to review their options and make final decisions on coverage. OPM learned of the errors fromRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: GeekChick

I have never met Geekchick but after reading her comments I found her to be a very interesting person. She is one of those really cool people you can talk to for days about anything and everything. She started one of my favorite groups, Geeks in Government, so what is not to like about thisRead… Read more »

Apps for Innovation Contest at CES

The Consumer Electronics Association has launched its first “Apps for Innovation” contest – with the winner to be announced at the International CES in Las Vegas on January 7. Judges, who include Center for Democracy and Technology CEO Leslie Harris, pollster and “The Way We’ll Be” author John Zogby, and political grassroots pioneer Jonah Seiger,Read… Read more »

Great Example of CFC Fundraising Appeal – Non-profit Charity Fundraising

Folks, I’m new to govloop and just want to say “thank you” to everyone who participates, and especially to those that had the idea and madie it real. It’s a great addition to the broader community, I’m now also out of Federal government, doing consulting and leadership training about workplace giving, including the Combined FederalRead… Read more »

When Failure is our Best Option

Reposted from original at openNASA.com You’ve heard it many times before, “Failure is not an option.” When Gene Kranz uttered this line in reference to Apollo 13, he was absolutely right. At that moment it was imperative that the team succeed in bringing the crew home safely. If you’ve ever seen the movie Apollo 13,Read… Read more »