
How Cities Can Increase Data Security and Save Money (Hint: Ditch the Tape Drive)

by Sophicity At the end of April 2009, a computer hacker managed to steal over 8.2 million personal records from the State of Virginia’s Prescription Monitoring Program, containing information such as social security and driver’s license numbers. Along with the stolen data, the hacker reportedly erased all of the State’s database backups, leaving no wayRead… Read more »

How to BE a Government Consultant and Use Social Media: A Guide

As “Government 2.0” becomes more and more popular, especially here in the Washington area, there seem to be an increasing number of people calling themselves social media or “Gov 2.0” consultants. As such, I’ve also seen a small increase in the number of people who are only interested in hawking their wares because social mediaRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned From Rapid Acquisition of the MRAP

From The Acquisition Corner There has been some discussion recently on a case study of shortening the procurement cycle from the lessons learned of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle. The MRAP is an armored all-terrain vehicle whose purchase and desire for rapid deployment was motivated by the continuing deaths of troops in IraqRead… Read more »

ELC and The New Era of Innovation

This week (starting last week) I’ll be attending the ACT/IAC annual event Executive Leadership Conference. It’s a pretty big conference in the 700-800 range of mainly federal IT leaders. The theme of the conference is “A New Era of Innovation.” Lots of sessions on new technology and all the opportunities and challenges. I’ll try toRead… Read more »

Leaders Lead, Writers Write

For the past eight months I have been part of a leadership program that emphasizes identifying and following your dreams. Since I was in elementary school I have wanted to be a writer. I was good at it. I loved seeing my ideas take form on a page. Writing papers, stories, articles all came easilyRead… Read more »

Five Things Obama Should Say in Friday’s MIT Climate Change Speech

A great post from my boss, Jessy Tolkan, executive director of the Energy Action Coalition. This commentary originally appeared on The Huffington Post Green. Almost a year into President Obama’s administration, the young people who turned out and voted for him in record numbers, hopeful that he’ll deliver bold action on climate at home andRead… Read more »

SOCIAL MEDIA: Gatherng, Challenges & GovLoop

The GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS and the increasing use SOCIAL MEDIA have created a powerful duo in changing how we reach and communicate with each other and our unique “customers.” It is helping us discover the common ground upon which we walk across the world when it comes to pioneering new possibilities in government leadership andRead… Read more »

KSAs out, TalentLink in at Homeland Security

Sharie Bourbeau, Deputy Under Secretary for Management at DHS, told FederalNewsRadio, the largest non-military department in the federal government is doing away with the KSA, the dreaded Knowledge, Skills and Abilities portion of their job application. In order to “compete in this labor market with private industry to ensure that we get the top talent,”Read… Read more »