
We Like a Winning Face

Cultural Leaders understand that their unconscious biases can lead them to less than optimum decisions like everyone else. This recent Scientific podcast illustrates the power of how one looks on our vision of what constitutes a leader. Most of us think unconsciously think that leaders should be tall, attractive, and intelligent. Unfortunately, there is noRead… Read more »

Citizen Empowerment: a Transformational Model for eGovernment Services

This is a paper we wrote with Xavier Comtesse in March this year for the Governement of the Canton of Geneva in Switzerland to formalize the changes that we see happening in the eGov landscape. The Gov 2.0 mindset is definitely something we want to take into account. You are also welcome to join theRead… Read more »

Software Product Launch: Where’s True North?

Software developers reach a point, when poised to launch a new-generation product, where The Launch takes on a life of its own. A well-oiled, buttoned-down enterprise with a market-killer under wraps observes one day that no one department or team can objectively step in and lead the product to Launch Day. Girded with its ownRead… Read more »

The Cult of Personality…Why the President has to Lead

Alright the truth squad is in the house. I am the president’s biggest fan so let’s be clear about that. But, I am starting to see a pattern in the president’s administration that I find disturbing. The pattern? Everytime one of the president’s proposals or issues get challenged by the right, his advisors trot himRead… Read more »

Annual Human Services Conference

The National Organization for Human Services (NOHS): The field of Human Services is broadly defined, uniquely approaching the objective of meeting human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations. This year the AnnualRead… Read more »

Come Together: Our Need to Cooperate for Coordination

One of the creations of a cultural leader is the creation of coordination or synchronization within an organization. In other words, in effective organizations the left hand knows what the right hand is doing. This is also what we call Unison. But, that is a conversation for another time. This article in Scientific American isRead… Read more »

Lessons from the great 2009 Birmingham City Council website disaster

The night before last – and in the night – Birmingham City Council without much fanfare switched over to its rejigged website. Within moments the twittersphere was alight. It was crashing, it had obvious faults and it looked terrible. Over the next 36 hours reviewer after reviewer found fault after fault. This would not beRead… Read more »

Geospatial Services = Positive Change

Jack Dangermond believes today’s challenge is geospatially enabling Gov 2.0. Geospatial data uses integrated applications to show information from multiple sources. It allows for improved planning, management, and increased efficiency. Unfortunately, the government hasn’t yet brought the data together into one map. Yet, many agencies see data sharing as part of their mission. For example,Read… Read more »

Intel’s Hero’s on Panel at Gov 2.0 Summit

If you’ve seen those new Intel adds, I’m listening to their heroes: Vinton Cerf, American scientist often called ‘Father of the Internet’; John Markoff, NY Times writer covering Silicon Valley; Jack Dorsey, co-founder and chairman of Twitter; Tim Sparapani – Facebook lead in Washington DC 28-minute panel. Ideas: – Vinton Cerf: o The Internet allowsRead… Read more »