
Seeking New Young Government Leaders (YGL) Executive Board Members

What better way to develop your leadership skills than to serve on the Executive Board of Young Government Leaders. If you haven’t applied, it’s not too late! See the attached position descriptions (YGL Executive Staff Duties Responsibilities.pdf) and application (YGL Executive Board Application – 2009.doc). The primary positions where we’re still seeking applications are: PresidentRead… Read more »

When things are broken… A CALL FOR LEADERSHIP

The hatred and disrespect surfacing in the debate about health care reform and education and other discussions in recent days has gone wild. Much of it isn’t about these topics, but something more disturbing — a real contempt for others — an unwillingness to consider anything new and different. I keep wondering how our childrenRead… Read more »

3-D Group Combat-Intervention at the Burning Out and Burning Up Battlefronts: Using Discussion-Drawing-Diversity to Disarm Conflict and Build Camaraderie-Community

Being a conference or retreat speaker and “Motivational Humorist” sounds like a lot of fun; and it usually is. However, sometimes you are asked to intervene with a group that’s under siege. At these times, the tension and acting out of frustration between management and employees or mistrust within the diverse employee ranks is palpableRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week: Luke Fretwell

If you’ve seen a series of posts called “Gov 2.0 Heroes” here on GovLoop, then you probably know about Luke Fretwell’s launch of GovFresh just a few months ago. GovFresh is a great website with a comprehensive list of feeds from scores of government agencies. In addition, Luke is providing thought leadership and innovative newRead… Read more »

New Orleans City Council Launches Website and Increases Transparency with Live, On-demand, and Searchable Public Meetings

Yesterday, New Orleans City Council launched its redesigned website NOLACityCouncil.com and NOLA GOV. Online, a technology featuring live and archived streaming video of City Council meetings. NOLA GOV. Online can be accessed through the City Council website at www.nolacitycouncil.com. An instrumental part of their website redesign project was the launch of a new transparency tool:Read… Read more »

Everything Might be Fair in Love and War, but not in Leadership When it Comes to Women…

The problem with leadership development is that as humans we are predisposed to think we know a good leader when we see him. (notice I said see “him”) Unfortunately, this view overlooks a wide talent pool of women and minorities who if given the chance could become special leaders. A recent study revealed that genderRead… Read more »

MULTI-GENERATIONAL Leadership Qualities: The Power of Thinking Together

These are difficult times for leaders at every level in government, business and society across the world. We are all reinventing our visions of the future as we work to forge the new paths in an environment of crisis, challenge, and opportunity. We are also in need of re-evaluating everything about how we think, operate,Read… Read more »

Local government ‘needs Digital Stream Managers’

Peter Barton, who heads up UK council Lincolnshire’s web team, is one of the most experienced local government (LG) webbies around and also a great thinker. We have chimed very often on his usual hang-out, the UK’s Public Sector Forums Bulletin Board. A new post of his hits all my sweet spots by describing theRead… Read more »