
6 Competencies of a Gov 2.0 Leader

I was invited to participate in the Potomac Forum’s “Best Practices Symposium” today in Washington, DC. You can watch the full presentation with accompanying slides or you can absorb the slides without the commentary. The 6 Competencies of a Gov 2.0 Leader View more documents from Andrew Krzmarzick. Below is an abbreviated version of theRead… Read more »

Ask GovLoop on Knowledge – Bottlenecks of Knowledge Management

Governments encounter fundamental problems in their attempts to come to grips with knowledge managment. Before governments can improve their knowledge management they should have a clear picture of the bottlenecks. Some of these include: Loss of knowledge Knowledge hoarding Reinventing the wheel Poor decisions Inability to learn Lack of concern The “I learned it onRead… Read more »

Navy CIO – live-blogging the #pfgov symposium in DC

Brian P Burns, Deputy CIO, Department of the Navy Bottom line: The security of Social Media starts with the protection of data and user behavior — not necessarily the tool sets. I.e., the tools are not the challenge, the risks are with the data and the user’s behavior. Some notes: Brian is a part ofRead… Read more »

Speeding Up the Acquisition Process is a Challenge

From The Acquisition Corner An interesting action plan for speeding up the procurement process for Recovery procurements was recently proposed by Dr. Allan Burman, who served as administrator of federal procurement policy in the Office of Management and Budget. His plan, which was conducted as an interview with CGI Initiative for Collaborative Government, outlined anRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week – ActiveGovernment

It seems more people are trying to be more involved and active in the cities and counties in which they live; me included. With the advancement of technology and the ability to handle multiple tasks online, there is no doubt a greater need for cities and counties to beef up their online systems for citizenRead… Read more »

Leadership Reflections Part 4 – December 28, 2001

From my Blog http://sonomabuzz.net/ Gerry La Londe-Berg, written December 28, 2001 Here are several lessons I’ve learned about leadership, supervision and management (three distinct things). The very first lesson I recall learning about management came from a camp director when I was a sophomore in high school. Steve Noceti told me, “If you want toRead… Read more »

Leadership Reflections Part 3 – Leadership Managment and Supervision

From Leadership descriptions and configurations of the roles of leadership, management and supervision vary widely. I have come to the conclusion that there can never be a final answer because no one can understand and implement their understanding in their lifetime. What we can do is accept that there are many fine people who wouldRead… Read more »

Social Media and Preparations For the 2009-H1N1 Influenza Epidemic

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. The Executive Office of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology’s U.S. Preparations For the 2009-H1N1 Influenza is a long and sobering document. Dated August 7, 2009, the report discusses a long list of critical issues and recommendations that need to be addressed now. Among other things, theRead… Read more »

Hokie Guru (Govloop’s Bureaucrat on Sports!!) – Who’s Gonna Burst the Bowl Championship Series Bubble?

Face, govies… we all love the litte guy… Everyone cheers for David… And that’s why we love college football!! Here are six non-Bowl Championship Series (BCS) teams that you, the college football fan, should cheer for this year: 1.) Boise State – Clearly, the class of the class of the non-BCS teams. In ten years,Read… Read more »