

I think microblogging inside organizations can be a transformative, disruptive technology to enable faster, more succinct communications. Anyone using microblogging inside their firewall? How is it helping or hindering work, results, and decision making? Do you think microblogging is useful for collaboration, instant messaging, status sharing, and situational awareness? Do you know of any successRead… Read more »

Bureaucracy 2.0 – make sure your team is ready to stand and deliver

I have long subscribed to the belief that our initiatives in the online communication world will eventually change the way the government functions. From our internal capacity to support a robust online environment to providing public servants with the general understanding and toolkit of web tools that can make them more effective, more than anyRead… Read more »

Agencies Pay More Student Loans

Federal agencies increased their spending on student loan repayments for employees by 22 percent in 2008, and the incentives were widely used for recruiting and retaining information technology workers, according to a new report by the Office of Personnel Management. The report, released on Wednesday, found that 35 federal agencies provided 6,789 employees with $51.6Read… Read more »

“Leadership in a Connected World”

Good article on leadership in promoting the use of new tools for new problems, and managing the “space”: http://tinyurl.com/kjfsvz “…in connected environments such as networks, the function of leadership is anything but traditional. The network to which I am connected—Lawrence Community Works (LCW)—is a case in point.”

“Cutting Edge” Strategies for Reorganizing or Downsizing: The “Stress Doc’s” Top Ten Tips for Tip-Top Management

[Cautionary Note: This article may be hazardous to the ironically-impaired.] In this era of organizational restructuring or downsizing, or better still, right-sizing, or most on target, what I call “fright-sizing,” the challenge for top management is having the savvy and guts to gut much of your workforce while still maintaining survivor productivity and team moraleRead… Read more »

Nerdism Gone Wild

This morning I read one of Casey Coleman’s recent blogs called “Innovation Happens.” She poses the questions: Have you ever wondered how and when innovation happens? Can managers demand it? Can we put it in our project plans? Can we just re-prioritize it when we get too busy? Is innovation, much like creativity, neither intentionalRead… Read more »

Exciting news for the VHA and open source healthcare information technology

The Open Source community has a history of using the FOIA version of the VHA’s VistA/CPRS and making it accessible for use outside the VHA. The open source, Liberty Medical Software Foundation has now started an organization proposing collaboration with the VHA for further development and innovation of the VHA’s system. In this time ofRead… Read more »

The Dynamics of Creative Leadership-Partnership: Forces and Concepts for Transforming Change and Conflict into Creativity and Community

What does it take to be a creative leader? I definitely have been giving this some thought, developing and increasingly applying three programs in the past two years:  “Transforming Change and Conflict into ‘Passion Power’: The Art of Inspiring Leadership”  “Does Your Organization Need a Jolt of CPR – Generating Creativity, Passion andRead… Read more »

Could Amver Help Find Missing Russian Ship?

There is a considerable amount of attention about the missing Russian cargo vessel Arctic Sea. The Maltese flagged ship is not a participant in the Amver system and Amver vessels have not been diverted to assist in the search. The New York Times reports the ship’s management believes the vessel was hijacked. CNBC reported theRead… Read more »