
Ask GovLoop on Knowledge – Local Government’s Interest in KM

Local governments are now becoming an ever-increasing group seeking ways to manage their knowledge that is evident by their concerns of knowledge loss. This interest is also noted by an emphasis on the value of people, as the creators of knowledge, the source of solutions and the deployment of ways for the sharing and reuseRead… Read more »

Coast Guard Moving Forward with Deepwater as SI

From the Acquisition Corner In a continued effort to do more with less, a recent report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) discusses the efforts by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) since assuming the role of systems integrator (SI) for the overall Deepwater Program. Admiral Thad Allen has done a tremendous job since assuming hisRead… Read more »

Time-in-Grade May Not Go Away

The Office of Personnel Management is withdrawing its plan to abolish the one-year time-in-grade requirement for federal employee promotions. OPM announced in the Federal Register on Tuesday that it would withdraw proposed regulations to abolish the time-in-grade rule after the agency determined that it would be more productive to consider the merits of the time-in-gradeRead… Read more »

Australia and Government 2.0 – not quite right

I am passionately interested in greater engagement between government at all levels and the public. So much so, that I’ve volunteered my time on several projects that seek to enable the transition to a more open, engaged, conversational form of government – the type of government being termed Government 2.0. I’ve been stewing over thisRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0: The Promise of Innovation

Republished from Forbes.com. Column by Tim O’Reilly Original post can be found here www.gov2summit.com Over the past 15 years, the World Wide Web has created remarkable new business models reshaping our economy. As the Web has undermined old media and software companies, it has demonstrated the enormous power of a new model, often referred toRead… Read more »

10 Ways To Tell Your Boss What a Great Job You’re Doing

Cross-posted from thegovgurus.com: 10 WAYS TO TELL YOUR BOSS WHAT A GREAT JOB YOU’RE DOING By Lily Whiteman Federal Times columnist and author of How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job As your work projects progress, ask yourself whether your boss knows what you are doing. I mean really knows what you are doing, asRead… Read more »

Renewable Energy’s Tipping Point

Earlier, I pointed to legislation that signals broad acceptance of the renewable energy sector across all continents. Various countries are taking the initiative to invite capture and conversion of solar, wind, and thermal energy. (see 3 Aug blog) Heretofore not thought of as energy titans — i.e., no formidable oil or gas reserves — theseRead… Read more »

Koobface returns! Quick, ban all social media!

This post was originally posted on my blog, Talking Salmons. Link to Mashable story. So, looks like Koobface is back. They’ve added some twists to the virus that made headlines last month. Viruses are the most frequent reason policy makers cite when moving to ban social media in the military workplace. However, I wanted toRead… Read more »

Ask Leadership Expert – The Rocky Road of Decision Making

Lately I have been thinking a lot about things that get in the way of effective leadership decision making. Two common diversions off the rocky road of decision making are overconfidence and pride. Let’s talk about them. Overconfidence bias in decision making is big-time real. Research has found that, when people believe they are 65Read… Read more »

Do you monitor social media conversations about your department?

Republished from eGov AU. As a marketer I find the internet a dream channel for monitoring customer sentiment and concerns. Social media and search engines can be easily and cheaply tracked to provide fast feedback on various initiatives. This helps organisations shape their campaigns and responses to external events. I’d recommend that this is equallyRead… Read more »