
Federal Eye: CDC’s Dr. Richard Besser Joins ABC News

In the latest example of a government official leaving public service for television, the CDC’s Dr. Richard Besser will join ABC News in September as a senior medical editor and correspondent, according to an internal ABC memo obtained by The Eye. “Dr. Besser’s distinguished background in public health, emergency preparedness, and epidemiology will enhance theRead… Read more »

Transparency and Accountability

President Obama issued a Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government in which he called for recommendations on making the government more transparent, participatory, and collaborative. The Whitehouse has announced an Extension of Phase III: Drafting of Open Government Recommendations which gives every citizen a chance to participate and make comments to draft recommendations that translateRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy and Knowledge Management

(The following was originally posted as a response to a Discussion List topic on Social Media Policy in FS Communications, a GovLoop Group) I have been entertaining a thought that is pertinent to this direct topic, but also to the entire landscape of knowledge and information management. The key word in that phrasing is “management,”Read… Read more »

Government Efficiency: CPR for Our New CPO

With the recent confirmation of the first federal Chief Performance Officer (CPO), Jeffrey Zients, a sprig of hope has emerged among the performance management and improvement crowd. The appointment marks the first time that a seasoned performance improvement leader has been selected to provide structure, vision and real, accountable results. Every administration has had aRead… Read more »

Redoing a website in 6 weeks… NEED your input!

Hi guys – I’ve been away for a while due to a new little project I’ve immersed myself in… while we have kept putting off the need to redo our website as we focused on delivering really challenging projects for the past few years (Abu Dhabi permits portal, Houston migrated off a mainframe in 90Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: $100 Million in Savings, Pinch by Pinch

Remember back in April when President Obama ordered the Cabinet to come up with $100 million in costs savings? And remember when critics blasted the plan as too little too late? Government penny-pinchers have found a way to save $102 million this fiscal year and another $140 million during fiscal year 2010. The solution? InstallRead… Read more »

Are You Interested in Serving in the SES?

To mark the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Senior Executive Service (SES), the Senior Executives Association (SEA) has launched a survey of GS-14s and 15s (and their equivalents) to ascertain their interest in applying for and serving in the SES and in Senior Level (SL) and Scientific and Professional (ST) positions. While theRead… Read more »

Restaurant Week II

This is my twice yearly public service blog about Restaurant Week in DC (August 24 – 30). Do you take advantage of this? Restaurant Week takes place twice a year, once in the frigid cold of the post-holidays and then again in the dog days of August. Times when diners are likely to be few.Read… Read more »

Acquisition Workforce Reform Starts From Within

From The Acquisition Corner The Federal Acquisition Innovation and Reform (FAIR) Institute, a nonprofit focusing on federal contracting reform, earlier this month released a report on acquisition workforce development in conjunction with their Point of View series on federal contracting. The report, like their earlier work, is a common-sense approach to tackling difficult issues inRead… Read more »

Ask GovLoop – The Many Knowledge Management Definitions

Knowledge management has been around since the early 1990’s. There is still no direct definition of what Knowledge Management actually is. Here are a few explanations: Knowledge Management is a framework that can be used for learning, capturing, sharing and exploiting knowledge, experience and good practices. Knowledge Management is information or data management with theRead… Read more »