
Advancing Public Sector Innovation – A Project for the Australian Public Service Management Advisory Committee

The Australian Public Service (APS) is undertaking a project looking at how to foster innovation in the public sector. This project will make recommendations about how to strengthen an innovation culture in the provision of government services. A cross-agency team has been formed, overseen by a Steering Committee of senior public servants from a numberRead… Read more »

What if it works? ⎯ Vision Meets the Challenges of Gov 2.0.

One of the key fears inhibiting government adoption of Gov 2.0 strategies is simple: What if it works? We have to answer this question honestly. Otherwise Gov 2.0 will fail because it will be neither credible nor trusted by citizens or the agencies asked to implement Gov 2.0 practices. Vision forward What does a GovRead… Read more »

Some social media resources and a challenge/opportunity.

First, go read this critique of the recent Open Government & Innovations conference. I see this sort of thing regularly: people who have high hopes that aren’t met. As someone who enjoys teaching and leading, it’s hard to watch people who want to move out get frustrated. After reading her post and the comments, IRead… Read more »

New here – what to do?

I am just discovering this, and after dipping into the Knowledge Management pool, finding that there is TONS more information, and tools to manage it, then I ever thought! Currently working on 6 of our “units” merging into 3, and tracking the moving parts. Using SharePoint, eKM, and other tools to get the work/word shared,Read… Read more »

New business imperative: Share relentlessly or Perish

There is an organization that, in the last 6 months, has embraced leading edge technology, open information exchange, collaboration amongst departments and with external partners, focus on customer service, speed of deployment, as well as experimentation with game-changing ideas. Is this organization some kind of Silicon Valley start-up driven by a few highly caffeinated Gen-YRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Open Government & Innovations Conference (#OGI) – Part 7 Final

July 22, 2009 continued 1:00 pm PacificFleet: RT @FlexPlexico: Don’t complain about social media policy unless you’re willing to change it – http://govsocmed.pbworks.com/ #ogi 1:01 pm US_EUCOM: Looking forward to the panel on Measuring the Impact of Social Media. #ogi 1:03 pm washingtronic: lol @Dave_Ferguson: -@moehlert Fed hiring process IS onerous, in the way thatRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Open Government & Innovations Conference (#OGI) – Part 6

July 22, 2009 continued 9:00 am kayawalton: Shea: Acknowledge on-network (twitter etc) and off-network (site, RSS) communications #ogi 9:00 am USMSOffice: Identity Assurance & Privacy Panel: re info sharing- what if info is inaccurate? #ogi 9:01 am dlblack: FEMA use of social media is perfect example of mission first, tools to implement mission second #ogiRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Open Government & Innovations Conference (#OGI) – Part 5

July 21, 2009 continued 4:00 pm ScottHorvath: RT @krazykriz: Q for Kundra: What’s your plan to encourage orgs to unblock sites like @GovLoop where gov is collabing transparently? #ogi 4:00 pm krazykriz: More on the “digital landfill” w/all the data – is a new competency the ability to dig and discover gems? Mining in theRead… Read more »