
Ask GovLoop – How Do You Define Leadership?

Welcome to the first installment of “Ask The Leadership Expert” on GovLoop. I am pleased to contribute to the GovLoop community! Leadership is a hot topic. A Google search on “leadership” yields around 150 million hits. On Amazon.com, a search of “leadership” under book titles produces around 27,000 results, and a keyword search of “leadership”Read… Read more »

Jana Gallatin – GovLoop’s Member of The Week

Jana, your passion for preserving and organizing historical records in Government is well known here on GovLoop. How did you come to first be interested in this mission? I’ve always been kind of a history fan and am interested in government policy. My first brush with records management was when I was a soldier assignedRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: More Storm Clouds for FAA-Weather Service Plan

The back-and-forth between the FAA and National Weather Service hit turbulence today, when a government expert suggested any changes in the way the two agencies work together will not fly unless they sort out several outstanding details. You’ll recall that the Weather Service submitted recommendations last month on how to change the FAA’s use ofRead… Read more »


My son got a new phone; he chose a Blackberry. You ever notice that folks who have these NEVER stop fiddling with them? Waiting in line, on the subway, ESPECIALLY in meetings, Blackberry owners are constantly surfing, reading email, playing Tetris, doing God knows what, instead of paying attention to where they are and whatRead… Read more »

Bridging Cultural Diversity through Multiple Intelligence, Conflict Styles and Interactive 4 “H” — Healing, Humanizing- High-Performing and Harmonizing — Humor

Wanted to share a new program. Feel free to share/pitch to others, etc. Over the years, I’ve heard some complaints about cultural diversity programs too often turning into prickly or preachy affairs. Of course, this is a sensitive topic. Thought it was time for a very different approach. Any comments are appreciated. Mark ————— BridgingRead… Read more »

Confronting Prejudicial Comments in the Workplace

The same day that the right wing terrorist invaded the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC and killed a security guard, my girl friend encountered a much more prosaic form of anti-Semitism. And while her experience was not in any way life-threatening, nonetheless her casual if not commonplace encounter merits documentation and its expression deserves confrontation.Read… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.12.2009

Happy anniversary to GovLoop! Flowers for Steve (obviously, not my roses …that are full of holes from nasty Japanese beetles …) We need a Rose Garden Czar. And by the way, since we are all about transparency and such, where is the pay-scale for those 30-odd folks published? Image by Jack Duval via Flickr PartiesRead… Read more »

Top 5 Leadership Characteristics for Process Improvement Success

Recently during a visit to the GSA conference held in San Antonio, I had the opportunity to speak with several people in the federal government about Lean Six Sigma. In most cases they shared with me that they had “tried” Lean Six Sigma and it did not work or “we did that and are nowRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.09.2009

I’m back— I have been on vacation! hehe I understand while I was away, some of you federal folks had some problems with computer viruses, or such. Last week, a Trojan horse invaded my computer. When I ran my very sophisticated internet security software, it indicated that the problem *might* have originated from a fileRead… Read more »

Lean Six Sigma Can Help Agencies Manage Stimulus Funds

In a recent interview on Fox Business channel, I had the opportunity to discus how effectively the stimulus funds are being deployed. The discussion focused on how federal and state agencies now are not prepared for the challenges of such an enormous task. In fact, APQC recently reported that only 24% of state and federalRead… Read more »